Use lightweight fabric to prevent your thread from snagging
To improve your buttonhole sewing, sew the least noticed buttonhole first and work towards the most noticed buttonhole.
Tiger tape can improve your stitching and help you create even depth and width.
Use separate strands of thread to prevent knots and tangles.
Transfer extra thread to a tapestry needle to make for convenient sewing tasks and repairs in the future.
Wind your thread onto a bobbin to prevent kinks and ensure smooth hand sewing.
Draft a personalized sleeve pattern you can use to design your own creations.
Ever wanted to start draping your own designs? Download and print the pull-out feature from SewStylish today to get started.
Got an hour? Make a stunning and stylish wide sash with our pdf project plans.
Never misplace your keys again with this easy-to-make key leash project.
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