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A fish hiding place for cats

cookymom | Posted in Patterns on

Somewhere on the Internet I have seen a fish made for cats to hide inside. It has a big mouth and I believe it is a Simplicity Pattern. The books at the fabric store did not have a pattern so perhaps it is no longer available???

Would anyone know how to find it?



  1. jjgg | | #1

    Haven't seen this, but please let us know when you find it, I think my cat would love it!!Actually, I clicked on the topic because it seemed SO SO off topic I was curious. But my cat really would like one!

    Edited 6/1/2009 4:39 pm ET by jjgg

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #2

    Is this like what you want? http://www.sewing.org/html/pets.php Cathy

    1. cookymom | | #3

      Thanks! That's the bed I saw. Next step will be to see if the Simplicity pattern is still around.
      Thanks, ThreadKoe.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #4

        I came across the Simplicity pattern that you mentioned in my search, but the blogger said that it was an old one. The number was not listed either, drat. Might have to try looking on the sites for old patterns for it. CathyI was just going through the Simplicity patterns under Patterns here on the Threads site at the top of the page, and was browsing the out of print patterns, and the pattern is there!

        Edited 6/1/2009 10:32 pm ET by ThreadKoe

    2. MaryinColorado | | #5

      That's hilarius!  I would love to make that for my brother's cats!  Mary

      1. cookymom | | #6

        Yes, the pattern is Simplicity 9004 and if you go to the Simplicity order page through the Threads site, it's available on line.
        Thanks, everyone.Carol

      2. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #7

        I agree, but my cats would love it too! My hubby would object however, he he he. He already is objecting to the cat tower....:) Cathy

        1. MaryinColorado | | #8

          Seems like it might be a good idea to leave the "tail" end opened too, so kitty could cllimb right through like a tunnel.  hmm, not sure if I'll ever get a "round tuit" but it would be a fun project. 

          I finished a batik quilt top for a throw yesterday, now I'm thinking it might be a tablecloth as it coordinates with my kitchen, tee hee....only time will tell!  (traditional cloths don't fit it as it's a big square table, what was I thinking?)  On to other projects, then will come back to it to batt, back, and quilt it.  I've managed to misplace dgs's crazy quilt, guess I put it in a really "safe" hiding place while redoing the studio!  Guess I won't be working on that today as planned! 

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #9

            I managed to mow the lawn, and got the big tractor out to fill some of the big pot holes in with gravel. Weeded some more in the flower beds, but still have not dug up the garden as it is too wet still....
            and my zippers still sit there, Mwhahahaha!!!!! I think those things are gonna send me to the nut house. Cathy

          2. MaryinColorado | | #10

            okay lady, time to get down to business with those zippers!  Sometimes I wonder how much thought, time, and energy we spend just "anticipating" or "avoiding" things.  (giggle)  I know I create "mountains out of molehills" in my mind all the time. 

            I love making little art quilts, but detest the binding part.  That dragonfly wallhanging has been calling me to finish it.  I might just avoid that narrow binding and use a wrapped edge with the serger and some thick decorative varigated thread instead.  I won't have learned anything, but it would be "finished"....ha ha.  I wonder what it would feel like to actually finish it and hang it on the wall? 

            In the mean time, I've started another wallhanging yesterday! 

            NEED to look for fabric for friend's Roman Shade, maybe I'll end up buying fabric for one of those panel skirts I want to make with the drawstring waist instead!  "Girls Just Wanta Have Fun" as Cindy Lauper said! 

            It's wet here too, don't think I've ever seen Colorado so green!  I suppose you are getting tan anyway from working outside.  I bet it's fun to ride that tractor!  Mary

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #11

            Yessireebob I am getting a tan! But only what you call a Farmer's Tan! Short sleeve T shirt line, and white goggles when you take your sunglasses off! Got the garden worked up early this morning, and the tomato plants, and peppers are finally in. Kept them in the back of the truck to keep the frost off of them, and they got a little? wind blown. Frost probably would have done less damage, he he. Throw in a few salad type seeds, and I am all done! Yippee! On to fixing up those nasty, nasty flower beds while the sun shines. At least until DH comes home, and then we have to head to the fields to pick rocks.....
            How about putting that Dragonfly on stretcher bars like a fabric picture? Then it is all framed and finished and ready to hang. he he he....
            hmmmmm, I thought that we had a challenge going??? Your red flowers and my zips? Looks like we are both going down on this one.... ;) Cathy

          4. MaryinColorado | | #12

            Well, as for the challenge...at least I am getting alot of sewing done!  Ha ha ha.  Just got tired of those red roses after doing all the embroidered applique.  I freemotion quilted until I can't see anymore and my fingers are so stiff.  wah wah wah  but it sure felt good to get that rhythm going again! 

            Besides, you've taught me so much about machine beading, that I want to practice, so I figured the best way to do that is to start a project that i can put some beads on!!!  The Hawthorne berries will be so bright and cheery with a bit of sparkly beads. 

            Glad you are enjoying the sunshine and getting your garden all set.  Wahoo!  Way to go!   

            Edited 6/4/2009 4:39 pm by MaryinColorado

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #13

            I just had to rib you about that, he he he. I can't start anything new until I get my zips done anyhow, :( made a promise to myself....
            That cat hidey hole is just too cute for words tho. Maybe it would keep the critters out of the boxes in my studio? One of them has figured out how to crawl into the folded down tops on the remaining cardboard boxes....even tho I put a cardboard box up there for them! There are soooo many great new ideas floating around this place, my wish list is getting longer and longer and longer..... Cathy

          6. MaryinColorado | | #14

            I just had to work on something that I could "sew" for a change.  Get into that Zen flow for awhile.  My brain needed a rest from all that concentration the coat requires.  "Driving" around all those Hawthorn berries is so relaxing, the world just fades away.  I think my next quilt will have lots of bubbles or something round...


          7. MaryinColorado | | #15

            I can't find that darn cat pattern, I did a search here at the Threads site, but couldn't get it to come up.  I'm going to look for it when I go to the fabric store. 

          8. User avater
            Derenda | | #16

            Try ebay  That's where I have found several out-of-print patterns

          9. MaryinColorado | | #17

            Thanks, I might just design my own pattern for it.  I'm just wondering if they put any "supports" into it.  Mary

          10. User avater
            Derenda | | #18

            That's an interesting question. I hadn't thought of that. If it is supposed to stay open; it would have to have some sort of support, don't you think? I believe I would use stays like they use in strapless gowns.  I know you can get them that you have to cut yourself. That way you could cut them the length you need. A really stiff horsehair braid might work.  I would be interested to know how it comes out.

          11. MaryinColorado | | #19

            It would have to be something safe for kitties, so will have to give it alot of thought before I do it.  I just love unique things.  Even though I don't have a cat, this would be a fun project and make an interesting gift I think. 

          12. User avater
            Derenda | | #22

            I have three kitties, two grown and one still a kitten. If you encase the stays in the same manner as for strapless gowns; I don't think the cat would get hurt on it. The stays I was referring to are made of a stiff plastic. Believe me I would never suggest something that a cat, dog or anything else might get hurt on. I have the kitties I mentioned earlier as well as two small shih-tzus, and a parakeet. All of them are as spoiled as my grandbabies.

          13. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #23

            I would probably put some rigiline in there. Was also thinking that the hook side of velcro would help catch some of Snowflake's massive amounts of loose hair. It might help stiffen it as well. I would want to see what the instructions say. That is the problem with looking at patterns online, I can't pull out all the instructions to see if I want anything different than what they suggest! Cathy

          14. MaryinColorado | | #25

            Sounds like you have a "full house", he he.  I have a big yellow lab and a Maltese, that's as much as I can handle.  I "babysit" the neighbors menagerie with the help of my grandkids a couple times a year.  They have dog, cats, a bald rat with buggy eyes that I can't even look at named Harry, ferrets, fish, turtles, frogs, bird, a new saltwater aquarium with lots of cool stuff too.  They have two darling little girls and are the best parents I know. 

            Thanks for the heads up about those plastic stays, I haven't used them before but they sound just right.  The search for the pattern continues.............

          15. cookymom | | #26

            Buy Simplicity pattern 9004 online. I did it through the Website.
            I have used an electrical wire called Roma(?) to make costumes and that is what I will try first for the mouth opening. It will go into a casing.

          16. MaryinColorado | | #27

            thanks so much for the tip!  Mary

          17. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #20

            Ok, I clicked on PATTERNS, and when the page came up, click on the Purple Simplicity Banner. The page that comes up has an Out of Print section. The pattern is in there. Under Pets. Last pattern. :) Cathy

          18. MaryinColorado | | #21

            Thanks Cathy!  Any idea what I could use to stiffen the mouth opening?  I also think it would be cool to open the tail too so the kitties could use it like a tunnel.  My brother has one kitty who is alot smaller and more playful for the others that would probably love it.  I wouldn't want the other cats to trap him in there though.  (He is all white, named "Chief")  They also have a pink cat, called Pink, and a wild mostly outdoor grey stripe called "Manly"...he he he

          19. starzoe | | #24

            About stabilizing the opening of this cute item: underwire from a bra - perfect shape.

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