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Conversational Threads

anyone need a conversion chart?

chris458 | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

l have one available that has the major manufacturers, including marathon, madeira, rob-ant, sulky, isacord, isafil, sulky, fufu, brother, janome, arc, brother, & mettler.

it prints out to about 15 pages. i’d be glad to email it to you. please let me know if you want it in .xlr (ms works) or .xls (ms office). instructions are included.


  1. n2halter | | #1

    Hi!  Could you email it to me in Word?  My email is [email protected]

    Thanks a bunch!

  2. SEWSERIOU1 | | #2

    I would love to have a copy of your conversion chart in Office (Exel) format. 

    Thank you so much!

    1. chris458 | | #3

      skeldale designs was kind enough to put it on their site for download in several formats-here's the link:


      1. SEWSERIOU1 | | #4

        Thanks so much!

      2. n2halter | | #5

        Thank You!!!


      3. scamper | | #6

        I would really like this conversion chart but when I click on the link you posted I get the message that the page is not found.  Any help?

        1. chris458 | | #7

          the conversion chart i made has long since been superseded by other charts. this site has several charts that might help you out.


          1. scamper | | #8

            Thanks so much.  I found just what I was looking for.

  3. Glo2811 | | #9

    Thread conversion chart

    I know this was an old post but is it still available? I would love one in Word or Excel or any format....please.

  4. Pattiann42 | | #10

    Conversion Charts

    This IS a very old post.  I would check the Internet for the brand of thread for which you need a conversion chart. 

    Manufacturers change color numbers, delete old ones and add new ones and you may need something more current.

This post is archived.

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