Can I sell items with embroidery on it?
I have a small home-based sewing business. I have just finalized the purchase of an embroidery machine. If my machine comes with Disney designs am I aloud to sell items with theses designs on them. I have tried googling to find out more information however I have had no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
you are not allowed to sell anything with a disney character on it. That goes for any licensed characters - disney, betty boop, peanuts etc. Buying the machine and the embroidery designs gives you the license to use them for your own personal use only. The same copyright rules that apply to patterns apply to to embroidery's. More info here:
That more than answers my questions. Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
Happy sewing!
Let's clarify the issue a bit more. You by buying the machine and or the designs for Disney characters did not recieve the legal right to reproduce them for profit however if you wish to do so there is a process that you can take by contacting them and paying for the right to do so. This can be a lengthy process and also costly. I believe there is a intial cost and then you must keep careful records of sales and report and pay percentages to these companies. This is not always worth your time to do so. For other designs that you purchase or download there will be or should be a "contract" that is included with the design package that will tell you what you can and can not do with the design. This is also true of other logos such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Harley-Davidson to name just a few. And believe me they have watch dogs out there looking and it is not a good idea to test them on it.
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