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Changing set in sleeve to ragland

therapy | Posted in Patterns on

Does anyone have a good method for changing a set in sleeve to a ragland sleeve? 


  1. starzoe | | #1

    Yes, it is possible to change a set-in sleeve to a raglan. However, it is not a simple exercise unless you have some experience in altering patterns; much easier to buy a pattern with the sleeve you desire.

    I am assuming you are speaking here of a sewing pattern and not a knitting pattern....but the same advice goes for both.

  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    I agree that it's easiest to buy a pattern for a raglan sleeve, but there are many descriptions of the process of converting set-ins to raglans in older sewing books (usually available at public libraries). 

    If you do an internet search for "draft a raglan sleeve," you'll find many tutorials and excerpts.  The one at the Vintage Sewing site from a 1942 book seemed clear to me; maybe it will work for you, too.

  3. jjgg | | #3

    Like others said, it's probably easier to start with a pattern for a raglan sleeve. If you have a blouse pattern that has particular features you like but want to change the sleeve, it really might be easier to change those features on a raglan sleeve pattern (I hope that was clear as mud!)
    ie- if you want a certain collar, but the raglan sleeve pattern doesn't have it, change that and not the sleeves on the first patter with the collar you like.

    Why is it you want to do this?

  4. Roznos | | #4

    There is no 'easy' way of changing a set in sleeve to a raglan sleeve; however, if you are truly commited to do this I would suggest using either of these two books: Patternmaking for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph-Armstrong (who taught at LA Trade Tech) or Pattern Making Made Easy, by Connie Crawford (who taught at FIDM in Los Angeles).  Both books are good but are expensive - about $100 new but are readily available on used book websites, too.  Another resource (and more affordable) is Make Your Own Patterns by Rene Bergh - this book retails for about $20 (US).  It does provide the steps for making a raglan sleeve (pg 66) from a set in sleeve pattern. However, as others have stated, in the end it would be easier to buy a pattern with a raglan sleeve.  But  if you are looking for a challenge this would be it!

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