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Conversational Threads

Cosplay ideas

Brindale | Posted in Costuming on

My friend is looking for cosplay ideas that she can make for her cosplay costume-making business. Any idea is appreciated. Please attach the character if possible. Anime or manga and other characters that you can suggest would be great.


  1. jxa213 | | #1

    This is a hugely broad question--do you mean for adults? Kids? something folks would purchase as a pre-made costume? A pattern?

    1. Oragami | | #7

      Agreed. Some more information here would help. Much different business catering to kids v. adults I would think. I assume we're talking about premade rather than costume, but that could use some clarification too.

  2. Taunton_Web | | #2

    You can't go wrong with any of the characters from Avatar the Last Airbender! Since Watchmen is on HBO now, too, those characters might be good to create.

  3. ThreadsMagazineWeb | | #3

    Let us know what you end up doing!

  4. User avater
    celas | | #4

    First of all, she should make some business cards with the best way to contact her - email, phone number, Messenger, What'sApp, whatever is best. Second, she needs to make her best Cosplay costumes for herself and for Cosplaying friends and go to a Comic-Con and enter a Cosplay Costume show. Winning one do a lot for her credibility as a costume maker. When going to one in costume she would need at least one hall costume to wear out in the exhibition hall. If she'll be there more than one day then she should have a different costume for each day. And if she enters the Costume Show, she'll need a separate costume just for that, and it should be the best work she's ever done. And everyone who asks about her costume should be handed a business card. And the friends who attend and are also wearing her costumes should also be handing out her business cards.

    There are Cons happening all over the country. She should also be aware of pretty much every kind of fandom there is. Going for Manga? Check out all the different Manga there is. Want a more Anime clientele? She needs to watch a lot of Anime. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Sherlock Holmes - both the original and the modern series with Benedict Cumberbatch, The Avengers, anything else from the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Wonder Woman, Hellboy, Van Helsing, Supernatural, Harry Potter, etc. And then there are books. Somebody mentioned Avatar, The Last Airbender, and The Watchmen. There are so many different fandoms and there are Cosplayers for all of them. People who make costumes foe cosplay are known primarily through work of mouth. She just has to develop a reputation for doing very good work.

  5. andrea_mammamia | | #5

    The most popular cosplay characters are:

    Harley Quinn, Lara Croft, Tracer of Overwatch, Misa of Death Note, Sesshomaru InuYasha, Integra - Helsing

  6. ciarajustin | | #6

    Well here is the Idea. I have had a variety of experiences exploring new cultures. Recently I went to japan and I explored their local culture, especially the ancient culture of organizing cosplay parties where everyone participates by wearing a kabuki mask. Kabuki is a classical form of Japanese dance [url=https://kabukimask.com/]drama[/url]. Kabuki theatre is known for its heavily stylized performances, the often-glamorous costumes worn by performers, and the elaborate kumadori make-up worn by some of its performers. They perform interesting theatre art in a unique way. It was really a unique experience.

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