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differences in machines

craftyjudy01 | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

I did get a short preview of the Innovis 4000d yesterday-to die for!!!  I also checked out the Babylock Ellegante–but the babylock does not have top bobbin threading and that looks like something wonderful – to not have to remove your hoop when you have to rethread a bobbin–had a Disney design sewed for me because my granddaughter was with me-I am amazed at how beautifully it sews out–I did forget to ask though – although I have 3 granddaughters that are all in to Disney Princess , I thought I read somewhere that you can get this machine without the Disney characters–anyone know??  I was given a price of $4800, I think it was – this is the floor model that they have used for about a month–includes the continuous hoop for border designs and the new upgrade has already been installed (value of about $299) she says.  Otherwise, I would pay $4500 without upgrade and hoop – which, I guess means I’m getting the hoop as an added bonus.  Is this good?  Babylock was the same price but the upgrade would need to be installed and no continuous hoop–does anyone have this hoop – would I really use it? 


  1. User avater
    dayenu | | #1

    I have the continuous hoop and it has two advantages:

    it comes with border patterns so you dont have to make your own

    it puts in arrow indicators  (basting stitch arrows) so you know excatly where to begin the next section. then all you do is rehoop for the next section, line it up with the arrows and hit start.

    one can do borders without it but it takes more planning and careful marking.

  2. MaryinColorado | | #2

    That sounds like a good price to me.  I have Husq/Viking machines but wanted to let you know some machines with top loading bobbins have a button you push that moves the hoop out of the way for reloading.  It goes right back into proper position. Mary

    1. craftyjudy01 | | #3

      The woman at the Babylock dealer said the hoop had to be removed before you could refill the bobbin---seems with a machine in this price range, they would have made a top loading bobbin, huh?  She also said Brother does not make Babylock - Tacony does.  There are a few sites on line that says Brother makes Babylock-actually one message board I read said her Brother dealer told her Brother made them both....I'm still leaning toward the Brother - seems to sew a much more beautiful design as far as fill is concerned


      1. Betakin | | #4

        Tacony is a distributer "not" a manufacturer. For instance way back when the Babylock sergers were introduced in the USA they were made by Juki but Tacony had the distribution rights. Tacony distributes other brands in the USA like Simplicity and I think Riccar among others. They no longer have the distribution rights of Elna in the USA however because Janome has taken over Elna's distribution in the USA.  

  3. Pattiann42 | | #5

    I have the Ellegante and it rocks!  You can refill a bobbin while sewing.  When you run low, the machine stops and you get a message that the bobbin is low.  I auto cut the thread, remove the hoop and put in a new bobbin.    Back up a couple of stitches and start stitching.  No sweat!

    If you want Disney designs, you need a Brother model that ends in d.

    Don't care who makes what as long as it sews/stitches great and I have an excellent dealer for support.

    1. craftyjudy01 | | #6

      Thanks for the info. on the Ellegante--I'm still torn between the two!!!

  4. flossie | | #7

    I purchased the innovis 4000 (no disney designs) about a month ago and I am thrilled with it. I went through the process of looking at all the machines but in the end I couldn't justify the additional costs in purchasing a top of the line Pfaff or Husqvarna. I also decided against the Disney designs because I originally had a small brother pe-1000 with inbuilt Pooh Bear designs and only used them  a few times in seven years and didn't think it was worth the extra money - I plan to buy the border kit instead. In the end I think no matter what you buy you will  get great enjoyment from it  - happy sewing.

    Kind regards Pauline ( Melbourne, Australia)

    1. craftyjudy01 | | #8

      You can answer a question for me----what designs do you get if you purchase the 4000-the same ones on the 4000D - just no Disney--?  I have 3 granddaughters but I'm just not sure I will use all the Disney designs either.  Do you remember what the difference in price is without the Disney designs??  The dealer I talked to has the floor model available with the continuous hoop and the upgrade-Guess I'll have to see what the difference in price is without the Disney designs and not purchasing the floor model.  That continuous hoop really is a draw, though!!!! 

      1. flossie | | #9

        The only difference is the Disney designs - everything else is the same. It cost an extra $500(Australian) to have the Disney designs. I anticipate gatting more use from the border kit at $199 (Australian).

        When I put my machine on lay-by in May there was a really good deal available - I paid $5499 for the machine and the PE Design 7.0 software (saved about $2500 off total full price of both items).

        I really understand how hard it is to make a decision because it is a lot of money to spend. I am really happy with my machine but as I said in other post I think you will enjoy whatever you purchase once you start making things for your grandaughters.

  5. pc3 | | #10

    Hi Judy,

    I have the Inovis 4000D and it is the best machine I ever owned. Its great. The bobbin will fill while you are embroidering. And it stops when there is about 10 inches of bobbin thread left. I don't have any little kids or grand kids so I haven't used the disney designs but they are cute. And all of the designs that are on the machine except the disney designs can be saved to your stick and put into your computer program so you can play with them.


  6. dressed2atee | | #11

    I have the Ellegante and you can fill the bobbin while sewing.  It lets you know when you are embroidering that the bobbin is low so you can refill it. 

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