I was taking a course in needle lace at our local guild, and the teacher brought in an old Threads from March 1992 with an article on needle lace. I begged to be able to borrow it as there was another article i wanted to photocopy…it was knitting instructions for hilarious- looking balaclavas; I want a friend to make me one!
But the WHOLE MAG was just compelling; just about EVERY article was GREAT; this was back in the day when Threads was about fiber arts, not just sewing. Not that I’m complaining:; it’s great to have such a fantastic magazine for the ADVANCED sewer; but you can BET I’m going to BEG for the Threads archive CD for X-mas, after having seen this issue; I can’t STAND knowing that there are all these GREAT Threads articles available and me not having them to read!
PS: I have been collecting Threads since 1998 and have ALL the issues from since then! Plus, I frequent second-hand stores and I can tell you: I have only ONCE ever seen a Threads magazine for sale there…people hold on to them, and after reading this 1992 issue I can understand why!
The old articles have so much more information. Note the size of the print and the pictures , both smaller..........so much more on every page.
I still enjoy threads but agree the old issues were so so much better.
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