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Conversational Threads

how to find really old back issues?

VickiV | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

My collection of Threads would be complete if I could find issue 18 (Aug/Sept. ’88) and issue 26 ((Dec ’89/Jan ’90).  I’m also looking to replace issues 20, 21, 30, and 49 if cheap.  These are too old to be sold directly by Taunton Press.  E-Bay seem the most likely source, but they don’t have everything I want.  Does anyone have any other ideas?  Thanks!


  1. grandmaEileen | | #1

    It's taken me quite awhile, I've lost track of the time, but I got all I needed on ebay. My collection will be complete when I get the group I just bid on thanks to help from a member here on gatherings. Be sure to watch both ebay Canada and US. Hope this helps.

  2. scrubble4 | | #2

    VickiV I concur with GrandmaEileen that ebay is a good source.  I have over time been able to build up my collection.  Also recently in a second hand book store in Chilliwack BC I noticed a few old issues.  Good luck.  I know I treasure my old issues and can immerse myself for hours looking through them. 


  3. sra | | #3

    I realize that this is an old discussion, but I have a large number of very old issues,as well as a random selection of newer issues which I would like to clear out of the house. Does anybody have any suggestions about what to do with these? I would really like them to go to good homes. I am in Toronto, Canada by the way.


    1. KharminJ | | #5

      Good Morning, and Welcome! Welcome!

      Perhaps you could post a list of the issue numbers you have available ~ I'm pretty sure that people here would be happy to "take them off your hands"!

      cbk - the date is to the right of the avatar.

      Bright Blessings ~ Kharmin

      1. sra | | #6

        the issues I have are:

        1, 3-46, 48-66, 74, 87, 99-104, 106, 107, 109, 140

        If anybody is interested in any or all of these, please let me know. I don't really know the cost of shipping from Canada.


  4. Ckbklady | | #4

    Hiya VickiV!

    Besides eBay, (where your find could get bid up at the last minute - eek), you could try http://www.bookfinder.com (where it can't) and put "Threads magazine" into the search engine. You'll find listings for items offered for sale by individuals and bookshops.

    It took me years to fill holes in my collection, but with persistence I found each of the missing issues there. They don't have a feedback system so you can't confirm the sellers' reputations, but I can tell you that I have never had a bad experience there.

    Only one issue remained elusive - #14. Dear Sewslow67 here at Gatherings bid on it and won it for me on eBay and popped it in the mail. She's such a generous soul.

    Good luck with your search - it is truly satisfying to have the whole set!


    Edited to add: I didn't see that this is an old discussion, but I hope that my suggestions are still useful to someone! :) C

    1. gailete | | #7

      I enjoyed getting my complete set together last year. In the proces I ended up with about 10 duplicate issues that one of these days I will get around to selling.

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