Lois Ericson #318 Jackets Required

Has anyone constructed this pattern? I have been trying for two years to get the pattern to match at seamlines, etc. I have taken about 3.5″ out of the sleeve pattern, on and on. Is this a “wadder” or do I continue to try to make it fit? I have some smashing red and black paisley wool crepe to had hoped to use, but if it gives me any more trouble, I am going to pitch the pattern and use my TNT (tried and true) jacket pattern. View A is my problem. I haven’t had the courage to try the others. Is this a problem with self-drafted independent patterns? I have had no problems with other independent patterns.
I am not even to the muslin stage, just working with the pattern. Let me know.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you've taken 3.5" out of the sleeve pattern; and then mention trying to get it to match at the side seams. If you could you please elaborate as to what you mean, I might be able to help.
I've made a lot of Lois' patterns and have found that they go together easily and smoothly. I don't have #318 here with me at the moment as it is down in my home in the states (probably because I didn't bring all the patterns that I've already made, as I'm in a "make something new and different" mode).
I eliminated a scant three inches from the main part of the sleeve pattern. The total sleeve hem would measure more than thirteen inches at the wrist if I had not eliminated some of the excess. I am finding that the band around the high hip is not even close to fitting. I think I will just send the pattern to "pattern heaven" and start anew. This is the first I have used Lois' patterns, although I have more waiting. I think in essence these are too "arty" for me.
If I can muster up the courage, I may try to fit the longer version and see what happens. I think it may be the hip band which is driving me nuts. Thanks for your help.
Are you using the size that you normally use in the large pattern companies patterns? If so, that may be the problem. With her patterns, (and I've made a lot of them) I normally have to go down at least one size and frequently go down two sizes.
Also, did you do a flat pattern measurement before cutting the pattern out to check for ease? She does add quite a lot of design ease too, so again, going down a size or two would help.
Thanks for all of the responses. I have decided to send the pattern to "Pattern Heaven" and re-work a TNT pattern which has the same basic lines.
More replies: I had no problen getting the sleeve to fit the armsceye. I eliminated most of the ease, which for a dropped shoulder w/shirt-type sleeve, would have been too much. Remember, I want to make this from wool crepe, which will ease incredibly well. I am having trouble with the lower hip band. It doesn't match anything. I know what I'm doing - the pattern is just a little off, and I am just a little curious.
Two years is a mighty long time to fight with a pattern. Have you tried contacting Ms. Ericson herself?
Here's her contact info:
Lois Ericson
2930 Sage Sparrow Cir.
Reno, NV 89509
775- 828-2485
[email protected]
Contacting her is a really good idea. I'm sure she would be helpful. After all, sometimes patterns are "misprints", just like anything printed, i.e. books, etc. I got to know here years ago, and she always responds to questions, comments, etc. She is not only a very talented designer, she is a gracious lady. Lovely in every respect.
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