Maternity sewing and altering, belly …

I am expecting and having a very difficult time finding clothes and patterns that I like. This is complicated by the fact that I have red hair and look best in brilliant saturated colors, which are hard to find to begin with in the clothing stores and fabric stores alike. Also the pattern books seem to be using the same three or four patterns, if there are that many, although Vogue has some good options. I already have an extensive collection of tried and true patterns that I would like to perhaps alter and use for maternity but as this is my first, I do not have any guidelines whatsoever for making the belly adjustments, except for the maternity patterns that I did get. I went to the maternity stores and looked at the cuts and the front pattern peice looks slashed and opened, with a longer hem. Can anyone help me with some guidelines or suggestions? Also if anyone knows where to get the belly pillows to put on my figure form that would be appreciated as well (You know the ones they use in the maternity stores).
Hi Kelley
Can't help with the body pillow. Have you tried asking at the
I have sewn some of my maternity clothes. There is a lot of ready to wear stuff that works too. After five kids I've worn it all? Many items are cut longer in the torso to accomadate your blooming. Pleats and gathers also add yardage. I loved using button hole elastic in my pants. I believe you can also buy the plastic clips and sliders you see on many ready to wear. They weren't availabel the last time I had to sew mat. If you are going to be nursing, ( I sure hope you are thinking of it) you might want to research patterns that you can wear while your pregnant then while your getting back to shape and nursing. They are available. Let me know if you have trouble finding them.Cat
*I can sympathize with you!! I just finished making a regular Vogue pattern (new Geoffery Beene 2-button jacket) that I cut it a size bigger (it has a lot of ease already). This should last me until I'm 8 months or so. Burda had some interesting maternity clothing that was a bit funky, and Butterick has a pattern that has clothes in it similar to what you'd get in one of those "pregnancy survival kits" that sell in maternity stores. My biggest problem was altering pants patterns to fit (the crotch on a lot of these seems to go to my knees), so find one pattern, alter it and make several pairs from the same pattern!! Good luck!
*Can you let me know where you got the nursing patterns and if there are any Canadian sources? The only one I found so far is on the Web called Elizabeth Lee designs. Thanks
*Where are you at Sue? I found nursing patterns in a cat. called "Baby Love" It's out of Canmore Alberta I believe. Don't have it anymore, sorry. Check in any Canadian publications for the expectant mother, Compleat Mother, and New Beginnings from La Leche League are two I have used. My baby is now 4 so it's been awile since that type of reading there should be some more out there.
*I live in Toronto. Thanks for the suggestions I'll try looking for these magazines -- also I can't find buttonhole elastic anywhere other than ordering it from Nancy's Notions catalogue...any ideas?
*I am in the same situation. I just can't find any maternity clothes that I really like! I will be checking back to get any more info!
*Hi! I used to work in the baby supply business. I have no connection whatever with the Baby Love catalogue, but they are helpful, reliable and really know their stuff. I got the following off their Web page. (By the way, using Yahoo to search Businss/Companies/Children/Babies, I found several other companies supplying nursing and maternity patterns. I didn’t post them here because I don’t know anything about them and can’t vouch for them personally, but it would be worth checking them out.)**************Welcome to our online baby store.Thank you for stopping in. Our store is located in Camrose, Alberta, Canada. Baby Love Products Inc. 5015-46 st. Camrose,Ab. T4V 3G3Phone:1-403-672-1763Fax:1-403-672-6942Email:[email protected] ATTENTION ALL CUSTOMERS PAYING IN U.S. FUNDS.OUR CANADIAN DOLLAR IS NOW AT AN ALL TIME LOW. IT WOULD BE VERY FAVOURABLE FOR YOU TO BE BUYING FROM CANADA. OUR DOLLAR IS ABOUT 68 CENTS TO YOUR U.S. DOLLAR. SIMPLY PUT IT MEANS YOUR U.S. $1.00 WILL BUY OVER 1.4 TIMES WHAT IT WILL BUY IN THE U.S.*******Alison.
*Thanks for all of the suggestions! I ordered the Baby Love catalogue. I have another suggestion for maternity clothes for the sewers. The Kinenbi Top from the Sewing Workshop makes a great maternity top, if you lengthen it to go under your belly!
*I would love to get some burda maternity patterns, where can I get them, don't quite understand this burda thing. Please email me.Thanks.
*I just wanted to put in a good word for Elizabeth Lee Designs. I have dealt with them for a couple years now, and since I order from overseas, my orders sometimes get kind of hairy (having them shipped here and there, and billed somewhere else...) They have always been VERY helpful and friendly, and have won me as a loyal customer!I have sewn several things from their pattern line and enjoy wearing them. Their instructions are very complete and "personable." Their line has also become a little more diversified in the styles and types of things they offer over the past couple years. Order a catalog and see for yourself!
*Not sure where you live, but Burda patterns can be found in just about any major fabric store, just like Vogue, Simplicity, Butterick & McCalls. Last time I checked, their website was still under construction. They also have a magazine, which I haven't bought, but can probably be found in specialty magazine stores. Threads Archives has a topic on Burda patterns for more info, although not specific to maternity wear.
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