This is the link to a shrug in the quick to make projects from Threads I’ve made it and love it. Wearing it right now. I used a light fleece with a ribbed pattern. It is in the Aug./Sept 2005 #120 issue
There is another one in issue #85, Oct,/Nov. 1999 called a AN ELEGANT SHAWL WITH SLEEVES
Whatever its length, this easy wrap, called a fichu, stays put on your shoulders
This is from the index to Threads magazine.
Thank you for your answer. I think that they are both out of print. I could not even get a pic of the "fichu" one however I am not too computer savey. I would really like to get the (pink one) pattern. Have any suggestions?
The pink one was also in the first Sew Stylish magazine Taunton put out. I don't know if it would still be available from the Taunton store or not. It is also in a book I found on google books You might be able to find this in a bookstore.
There are two other styles in the article. If you can't get the instructions with pictures I can try to send you some. They are really easy to make. I used it for my sewing class.
I pulled out my issues and looked at the articles again. The Fichu is really nice looking. This is a link to one in Sew Stylish that is similar. called a Lickety-Split Cardi-Wrap. It looks like the ends are longer and is made from a knit whereas the Fichu was made with silk or other woven fabric and had a piece that turned back for a collar around the shoulders.
I think the one in Threads is more elegant looking but can't find a picture of it either. Would make a nice evening wrap. You may be able to e-mail Threads and they will send you a copy of the instructions for the one from issue #85 since it is no longer available. Just noticed it also has an article on quick to make shrugs.
and a link to a page of of commercially produced ones which you could adapt the top link to create
hope they help
Maggie, welcome back! We haven't heard from you for months! Hope all is well with you. Did you make an outfit for your son's wedding?
Hi Gloria, I did flower, a shapeless cover cover all the bits style, wedding was lovely, weather was wonderful here's a link to some photos of the day
You can't miss me, I'm the one that resembles a chocolate profiterole!
I love looking at wedding albums. Thank you for sharing your lovely family with us! I thought you looked lovely in your brown dress also, comfortable and elegant. Cathy
Oh Maggiecoops, thanks for sharing, that was a lovely wedding and everyone looked to be having a great time. Some much love and happiness in those photos. Great! You looked great. So glad to see you. I liked the lady's dress that was grey and white. It faded out in the front. That was so interesting. Oh the children were darling and I just love weddings! Beautiful, beautiful pics. Thanks.
Oh, and I loved the kilt. How tall is that guy? 7 feet? Wow, he looked so proud to be wearing his kilt. Great shot.
Edited 11/17/2008 8:02 pm ET by rodezzy2
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures - lovely family! Lovely wedding dress, too. That was a nice trip for you. But, Maggie, you vixen, you - you misrepresented yourself last year when you said you were very short & very round - & you're certainly not (unless you grew & lost a lot of weight in all of those months :)! Your outfit turned out very nice - you did well. No, you do not look like a chocolate profiterole!
Gloria, the outfit hid a million sins, youknow the type that sit on your hips, abdomen and thighs. I'm seriously overweight flower, though I have lost 16 pounds since the wedding. I'm not quite 63 inches tall and I weighed 190 pounds, two years ago I weighed 130 pounds and was overweight then, but comfortable. It's exacted a cost from my skeleton as now my hip and knee joints can't continue supporting that weight. The wedding in May was the last time I walked without a stick, now I can't manage a 100 feet without a stick and knee supports. Most of this year has seen me either on a sofa with my legs elevated or flat on my back in bed. I have to lose at least another 28 pounds if I'm not to end up having surgery which the surgeon is loathe to do because I also have a heart condition. It's my own fault, I over ate and under exercised. I'm only 65 and still have a lot of tables to dance on, plus I still haven't seen the far east, India, South America. I had to scrub plans to visit America this year because of my legs, but I'm determined to get 2 trips in next year, one hopefully to the States and one to India. So no more marshmallows, gooey sticky creamy gateaux, and definitely no more jelly baby sweets!
That outfit certainly hid your 'sins'. You've done well to lose weight since the wedding, but it's really hard to do at our age - & with Christmas coming. I must do the same, as my knees are bad, too, & my hip has started, so I can surely emphathize with you. Good luck with the dieting. How have you got the energy to do all of your renovations? Hopefully, you have help - & hopefully, it'll all be done by Christmas. And, hopefully, you can travel again next year. Hang in there! I wish you all the willpower in the world.
Gloria if the will power fails, I have a pretty powerful vacumn cleaner! I've been looking at a trip across India in a luxury train, I love trains, mind you it is only looking at the moment, I wouldn't need my legs as they'd have to go to pay for it. But think of the wonderful fabrics I'd find. More to add to my stash.
love mags
Oh, Maggie - LOL! Unfortunately, you'll need your legs when you get there to visit the fabric shops. In lieu of the luxury train trip, do you not have shops in your area that sell sari fabrics & the like?
Hi Gloria, fabric shops have become as rare as hens teeth over here. When I first moved to my present home in a small market town, the nearest large town, 8 miles away had at least 6 fabric outlets. Within 2 years they were all closed along with the wool shops and independant craft arts and crafts shops.
My daughter lives 110 miles away in Manchester, where they still have some lovely fabric shops but not many. Birmingham, 50 miles away has some nice ones, and London, but I hate shopping in London, it's impossible to park in so I have to go there by coach or train, and carrying large sack fulls of fabric is no joke, especially on the underground ( subway?) We do have more Indian fabric stores opening, and a few craft stores reappearing, in competition with the big craft store super chain. However so few folks make garments now, you have to drive to the main cities to find fabric.
I have a feeling my Indian train trip may end up as a trip to Ourgateandlatchit, but it's a lovely I wish.
Too bad about your fabric shops. Ours seem to be going the same way, unfortunately. The online shops will be benefitting, though. You're right - it is terribly uncomfortable carrying large bags of fabric any distance, as they are heavier than they look. You'd be aching big-time by the time you returned home, & have to recuperate for a couple of days afterwards. I hope you find some fabric without having to travel too far, Maggie.
I really enjoyed reviewing your son's weddng pictures! It appeared to be a wonderful wedding. Isn't it nice when everyone dresses up? I thought your dress was simply elegant with your beads bringing out the "maggiecoops" we've come to enjoy reading about. I think I have figured out what "natting" is, but I'm not sure... is it just visiting? Thanks for sharing.
Nattering is according to the male of the species, idle chatter. However as every female of the species knows, it's the exchange of interesting news, rumours, overheard conversations, recipes, healthy brain expanding knowledge. Men engage in it but call it Conversation. It is not on the same level as Gossip, whicjh induces the instant loss of chin muscles as the jaw goes into "hit the deck" mode or or "aim for the forehead" mode according to the sensation content of the gossip. Nattering is purely the pleasant interchange of highly valuable information on topics as diverse as unexpected weight gain/loss, to the long term effects of global warming on the contents of ones wardrobe. It is possible to natter whilst the brain is in its rest mode, in fact that's normally when you have the best nattering experience. Things like cause and effect, historical accuracy, abiding by libel laws etc are not brought into play allowing the brain to tick over gently without raising that very small part of it called conscience into conciousness. Altogether a very pleasant way to pass the time before returning to the meaningful occupation of domestics..
Hmmmm.... sounds like a great word for using in a jingle! Kind of like the Dr. Seuss books. (does it matter when we natter while the batter does a splatter!?)
Cute. I agree that men don't think their "gossip" is really "gossip". They talk more about everything, just women. From the bedroom to the boardroom. They "discuss" it all. The love the word too.
Edited 11/26/2008 12:07 am ET by rodezzy2
Oh boy! Good one! I just couldn't resist.... here goes:
Does it matter when we natter
While the batter does a splatter
Is it really idle chatter
If we ponder why we're fatter?
We can natter, we can chatter
While we work hard at our sewing
Yes, we chatter, even natter
But machines are busy going
We'll repair the latest tatter
As the words continue flowing
We press each new seam flatter
And we leave no stray thread showing
So we chatter and we natter
As we tend to all our tasks
We might patter, we might clatter
But if anybody asks
Their illusions we will shatter
Pearls of wisdom will we scatter
We're not madder than the Hatter
It's information we're exchanging
On topics deep and widely ranging
So stop and think before you diss us
For you know how you would miss us!
Bravo Katina! Well Done! Cathy
PS You should enter that to Threads. I think they could use that as a filler, I found it much more entertaining than the Haiku!
Edited 11/26/2008 10:46 am ET by ThreadKoe
Glad you liked it, Cathy - thanks.
Girl, you too wild. Great poem!
Hi Rodezzy
Have you got yourself reorganized yet?
Today, between cooking, I put on my new red sheets and red & chocolate bedspread and shams. The curtains are up. I've done my bathroom. I'm going to post some pics on the fabric & trim thread.
Yes! Do please post pics. Enjoy your food.
I posted them under the Fabric & Trim thread.
Yes Katina, you really know how to pick up the ball and run with it. Good job!
It's fun playing on your team!
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