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eyelet | Posted in Patterns on

Hello everyone! I’m just starting to learn sewing and I’m having a hard time with measurements and making my own patterns.. would you guys know a website with free  patterns?


  1. cafms | | #1

    These two sites give pretty detailed pattern drafting instructions so may not be what you are ready for just yet.



    If you are close to a Hancock's Fabric or one of the other chains look for sales on patterns.  I know that Hancock's has different brands for $.99 or $1 on different weeks.  McCalls or Butterick was this week. You could get one of the fitting patterns and use that to start your fitting process.  Also find a good beginning sewing book for more help.  There are many on the market and several have been mentioned in posts recently.


  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    Even very experienced sewers have difficulty making patterns; is there any particular reason why you must make your own? I've found that it's far easier to get a pattern that is similar to a readymade garment I already own and like, and then modify the pattern to match that garment. (It's fairly easy to trace a pattern off a readymade garment, too.)

    Although you may have to significantly change commercial patterns to fit, they have several advantages over handmade, original patterns in that they are the result of a lot of standard information, they're on tissue, and they come with instructions and yardages. Otherwise, you will be "reinventing the wheel" and having to do far more trial and error than you need to.

    At major fabric stores, at least one brand of pattern is on sale for $1.99 or $.99 at any given time; even if you just use the tissue or use the collar pattern piece, that's a bargain in terms of time and money!

  3. solosmocker | | #3

    I agree as well. You can get some good basic patterns at those 99 cent sales that you can then get more creative with as you get more comfortable with the process. Patternmaking is a real skill, one that often comes with a bachelors degree in design or Home Economics. I admire your enthusiasm but think you will achieve more success with the 99 cent pattern. If you are successful you will be eager to sew again and again and can really start building your skills. It's kind of like buying a map to travel to a place you have never been before. I guess you could just wing it but you could spend days getting lost trying to find where you want to go. Or you can buy the map and have more time once there doing all the fun things you wanted to do. Best of luck and welcome to the sewing world. If we can be of any more help, just ask.

    1. eyelet | | #4

      Great!! and Sewing is  really addictive. After all the chagelling usage of different kinds of rulers which I enjoyed,  what I do now is to buy cheap  fashionable dress and then unsew everything and make a pattern out of it.  but of course I'm looking forward to make a good pattern without destroying a dress :) 

      You guys are lucky because there's a lot of pattern shops in your place but here in Manila, nobody sell patterns we only have those for cross stitch. I hope I can create great pieces and share with them my creations

      God bless  and thanks for your response!  

      Let's spread sewing!!


      1. solosmocker | | #5

        Now I understand and really admire your motivation! Great attitude! I am sure you will accomplish your goal. I really think your idea of cutting apart a garment is a great idea and probably the way to go. Good luck.

      2. stitchmd | | #6

        Try shopping for patterns online. There must be some suppliers who will ship overseas. If you join the patternreview.com site you can request U.S. people to mail you some patterns. There is a topic devoted to those requests.

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