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Shopping Paris

Cheryl_Colehour | Posted in The Archives on

I’m traveling to Paris in a few weeks and would like to do some sewing/textiles/fiber arts shopping and sight seeing. I’d like to hear about fabric stores, places to buy buttons, museums, or any place else that might be interesting. I tend toward more funky fabric and clothes, but I’m interested in hearing about diverse places.


  1. Dewey_Norton | | #1

    I hope this is not too late. For fabric stores, I think the area is called the "Marche St. Pierre." To get there, take the Metro to the "Anvers" station (it's on Line No. 2 which goes from "Porte Dauphine" to "Nation"). There's only one exit in the Anvers station so you can't go wrong; go out and up the stairs, turn right and cross the street. You'll immediately start climbing a narrow street that has dozens of fabric stores on both sides. The two biggest, towards the top of the hill, are "Reine" and "Dreyfus." If you don't speak French, it'd be best to take pictures of fabric from clothing catalogs to give an idea of what you want. Many of the streets branching off this first one also have lots of fabric stores and there are usually mobs of people there. Seems the stores close around 6:00 pm.

    When you get tired of shoppping, you can climb the stairs to the Sacred Heart Basilica where the view of Paris is spectacular, especially at dusk when the lights are starting to come on (it's also free). In areas related to sewing, there's the Musee des arts decoratifs (museum of decorative arts) and the Musee de la Mode et du Textile (museum of fashion and textiles) which are both listed at 107 rue de Rivoli. The telephone number is (01) 44-55-57-50 from inside France; if you're calling from the US or Canada, that would be 011-33-1-44-55-57-50.The Metro station is "Palais-Royal." I'm not sure, but think they're both part of the Louvre museum.

    Once you arrive in Paris, go into a magazine stand and buy a copy of "L'officiel des spectacles" (it's only 2 francs or roughly 40 cents [US]) which lists all the museums that are open, all the stage productions, all movies playing, EVERYTHING that's going on in Paris that week; I'm not sure, but it seems that it comes out on Sundays. Have a nice trip.

    1. Ghillie_C | | #2

      *I hope it is not too late for Cheryl too - but it is in good time for me, and just what I had been looking for.Paris is only a day trip through the Tunnel from London, and quite cheap if you do it out of season. I am practicing my French with renewed enthusiasm. Thank you et merci bien.

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