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stain removal

Rosebud | Posted in The Archives on

I am a poster at Cook’s Talk and Sprout off and I was hoping someone over here could help me….

Hopefully one of you will know a T&T for getting lipstick out of clothes. Yesterday my 3 yo daughter was in the pharmacy with me, walking behind me- I turned around and she was covered in lipstick. She had been sticking her finger in all of the testers and then wiping it all off on her beautiful little linen dress. I am just sick about it- is there anything that will get it out? She got a tube of lipstick one time and “colored” her bed with it, and I couldn’t get it out with any of the commercial stain removers. Help!


  1. Sarah_Kayla | | #1

    I just resqued a buddy of mine a year or so ago with the following advice that comes from the book "Clean & Green" a terrific book of good for the enviornment cleaning recipies. Rub the stain with white toothpaste. It worked pretty well on by pal's courderoy pants.

    hope this helps. I would also try a baking soda & water paste. baking soda is my usual answer to all household problems. It just saved the day when my 5 year old spilled suntanlotion all over my newly re-upolstered chair. (The chair looks good - but i do feel badly about how loudly I yelled at my son)


    1. Melissa_Fox | | #2

      *The commercial product, called "Goo Gone" is excellent for oil-based stains - they carry it at Joann Fabrics (on the notions wall) and in my local grocery store in the laundry products aisle.

      1. linda_linda | | #3

        *I had a big lipstick stain on my living room carpet. [Someone had stepped on a lipstick tube and smashed it.] After trying many cleaning products I did find a simple one that worked. SHAVING CREAM. Shaving Cream removed all of the stain immediately and completely. I hope you win.

        1. Lucky_Weddigen | | #4

          *I have had excellent results with the STICK form of stain removers from Shout or Spray and Wash. The travel packets also have my salvation more than once. My successes include mustard on on pink wool jersey, machine oil on pale blue wool crepe, fountain pen ink on mint green cotton knit ( brought to my attention after the ink had dried). If the item can't be washed, I per treat and tell my dry cleaner what I have done. I've yet to be disappointed.

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