Hi everyone:
First, I wanted to say that I really enjoy this site. I live in an area with virtually non-existent sewing resources so you are all my teachers.
Does anyone know of a pattern for a “sweater organizer”? I believe this is what they’re called in ready-made descriptions. They hang from a hanger in your closet and are like a “hanging file cabinet”–a rectangle with an open face and little shelves on which to store folded clothes. I would really like to make one of these to keep my fabric stash in. I think it would be helpful to arrange each “shelf” by color and that way i have instant access to the texture and feel of the fabric as well.
If you know of any other good home-organization patterns, please let me know. I want to take a break from apparel sewing and try this type of home dec work for the first time.
Thanks so much,
I don't know the exact pattern number, but my sister in law made a bunch of these to give as christmas presents, and she used a vogue pattern. You have to look in the craft or home decorating section. What a great idea for storing a fabric collection! I will have to try that idea myself!
Thank you much for your suggestion. Every season I make a special trip to a fabric store about an hour away and go through all the pattern books to make a "wish list" of patterns.
I just made a list about 6 weeks ago and did not see any organizers I liked. Butterick had one for several closet hangings, but these did not have the shelves I'm looking for. I do look under home dec and crafts but I don't remember seeing anything (I go through all the books--the staff must wonder why I'm there 3 hours at a time).
I will check Vogue again though, thank you. And if you should happen to find out what pattern your sister used, please let me know!
Thanks! @---'-- Kim
If you have seen a pattern for something similar, all you really need is the instructions, to send you in the right direction. All the pieces would be rectangular. Make it any size you want.
My other suggestion would be to purchase one from the mail order retailer (Lillian Vernon or Hold Everything) or buy one at the department store. Make notes on the construction and measurements, and return the item undamaged.
It seems to me this is a series of box shapes,with some type of board reinforcing the bottoms of the shelves.
Edited 8/22/2002 9:57:19 AM ET by CRWRITT
Kim, Vogue 7011 is an OOP pattern of this type. It has a hanging 6-compartment sweater-thingie (with cardboard inserts), a similar shoe-hanger (10 pr), five sizes of garment bags, and zippered bedding storage bags of various sizes. I'd post a picture here, if I knew how (got a scanner, a Mac, and not much savvy).
Anyway, I have this pattern, unused. Please contact me if you're interested.
Elona ([email protected])
There's one on ebay right now.
Thank you for all the suggestions!
Elona, thank you for your suggestion. Vogue 7011 is perfect--exactly what I'm looking for. My local fabric store is having a sale on Vogue patterns this week so I'm going to check it out. If I can't find it there, I will contact you about your pattern.
Thanks again!
Kim, so you'll know what you're looking for, here (I hope) is a pic of the pattern:
Edited 8/23/2002 2:39:08 PM ET by Elona
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