Hello all,
I am curious about the three piece sleeve mentioned in the recent Chanel issue. I have checked a couple of pattern drafting books I have and neither mention a three piece sleeve. Has anyone ever drafted one? I hate to think I might have to sell my car in order to BUY a Chanel jacket just to take a look at the sleeve’s construction!
Claire Shaeffer's new Vogue pattern, 8087, has a three-piece sleeve.
Thank you very much for your quick answer. It makes sense that Claire Shaeffer would have it! I am looking forward to creating my own Chanel inspired jacket with a little help from Claire Shaeffer and Susan Khalje.
watch out for the sleeve on this pattern apparently the sleeve has a mistake in it . I think the under sleeve is slightly longer than it has to be so just make sure that it is the right before you cut. Check the reviews on pattern review.com
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