This is probably not the right place to post this question as it is not really feedback, but I’ll start here first. There is a video on the website of Lisa Summerell giving a tour through a fabric store in Connecticut. She is wearing an unbelievably cute dress that I hope she (or someone else) has sewn for her. Would anyone know what pattern that is?
Thank you!
It’s Vogue 2268. The article was in issue #93, March 2001, so it’s probably not available except via discontinued channels. It is adorable---sage dupioni!
Thank you SO much! I thought that was dupioni! Beautiful!
My pleasure! Hope you enjoyed the video!
I only just now found the video. I thought it was adorable. It was very entertaining. I think it would be great to show to anyone who has an interest in sewing but haven't started to sew yet. It would be really great to show to high school age children or perhaps younger.
Yes, it would be a great podcast!
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