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Conversational Threads

Video Pattern Making

birdlady1 | Posted in Patterns on

Hello Thread Readers

I hope someone can help me with some information.

I am a part-time student and taking a draft pattern course.  In the class, we are using Helen Armstrong’s book on drafting.  It is okay but does not provide step by step instructions on starting and completing drafting patterns.  We go along step by step with our teacher but sometimes she goes to quickly.  I find that when you read the book, it is not informative as I would like it to be.  When I come home and try to finish the pattern and I find Helen Armstrong’s book falls short on finishing the patterns up.  I am trying to locate a video where the instructor physically shows you the various steps in completing patterns.  Apparently I have heard that Ms. Armstrong has a video out but all she does in this video is read from her book.  I would like to be able to complete drafting a pattern from being to end.  An example would be how to draft an 8 gore skirt etc.  Does someone know of any video that would have this type of information for a beginner?  This information would be greatly appreciate.




  1. Zappa | | #1

    Have you looked on google or youtube  ??? I have always found good info there.. Z

    1. birdlady1 | | #2



      Yes I have tried google and there aren't many videos out there.  Also, I would like to see first if it was the one I wanted.  I was lucky to be able to get a book from the library where I thought the book I saw online would be good.  When I saw it, it was not what I was looking for.  I don't want to buy a video and then end of hating it and having wasted my money.  That is why I thought I would asked anyone on this message board.


      1. Zappa | | #3

        get your teacher to slow down or ask if you can come in and have her help you out... Z

        1. birdlady1 | | #5

          Unfortunately she is not a patient teacher.  Some other student was getting her to show her how to do a pattern and the teacher's attitude was not to good.  Later the teacher said that she wasn't trying to sound chaddy.  That is what we have to deal with.  Believe me, she is a better teacher then the previous one I had. 

          I have Armstrong's 4th edition.  I am okay starting on page 251 with the Pattern Plot and Manipulation and modifying the darts but it is on the next page where I get confused.  That is why I think a video would help.  It would be repeating all the steps necessary to complete it.  I know that if I approached my teacher now (the course is 10 weeks) she would say "why didn't you ask me when I asked everyone in the class who needed help".  I have had her before in other classes and I know how she is.  Do any of you know of any good videos?



  2. jjgg | | #4

    You didn't mention which edition of the book you have, I have the 3rd. It is pretty comprehensive on how to draft anything. Several things will start with a basic block and you go from there. The book tells you how far out to change things, how many inches to move a point etc. pg 262 is the 8 gored skirt, but you have to go back tot he begining of the "gored skirt' section where it shows you how to go from a basic block to a 4 gored skirt, then there are instructions for a 6 ,8,10 and 12 gore skirts.

  3. scrubble4 | | #6


    "I would like to be able to complete drafting a pattern from being to end"

    Hi, Threads will soon be issuing an new DVD on Fitting.  I am not sure what all is going to be in it,  but it is possible some of its content will be on pattern drafting.  Also, hopefully it will be in video format rather than stills.  I agree seeing something done is so much better than hearing or reading about it, and even better than still pictures which may leave out a tiny part of the sequence.

    I think you might be able to find out the format and content of this new DVD by contacting Amber Eden the editor of Threads.  You can contact Amber from this site.  I think it is the "Talk With Us" folder but one of the more experienced folks here can correct this information. 

    Good luck!  It will be exciting once you can do pattern drafting, create your own blocks etc.  As we discuss regularly on Gatherings, Fit is one of our most sought after goals. 


  4. rekha | | #7

    After reading Kathleen Fasanella's review of patternmaking books I bought it and I have had Armstrong's book as well but prefer  Patternmaking Made Easy by Connie Crawford http://www.fashion-incubator.com/mt/archives/on_reviewing_pattern_books.html  I would urge you to either borrow from library or buy; you won't regret it.

    Connie's website for videos/DVD is http://www.fashionpatterns.com/

    Edited 2/12/2008 3:05 pm ET by rekha

    Edited 2/12/2008 3:07 pm ET by rekha

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