Spring is a time of renewal and that can certainly extend to your wardrobe. Many of us will be starting to create our summer wardrobes and some of those designs may not turn out as we hoped. What is your worst sewing fear? A poor fit? No time to finish the project before you hope to wear it? Designs that go out of style?
Post your replys below!
Laurel Tuohy, Assistant Web Editor, Threads
having it look "homemade"
We share that fear! Laurel
dear kaitydid
I also fear that look and I suppose about a million others.How I wish
that my clothes look like designer couture and fit.Well I guess the only thing I can do is keep on working and better myself.
Best whises
If there are any mistake in my enghish bear whit me,because I am french .
Finding the right fabric - I do not live where fabric is in abundance.
Other than that, I am "fearless"!
The clothing fabrics in the stores where I live are not so hot either and I fear colors and tetures being different than I imagine when ordering online.
However, there is an abundance of gorgeous upholstery fabric in our shops!
I know how you feel. We don't have anything here except quilting and home decor fabrics so I have to travel two to three hours depending on what I am wanting. I really wish that we had something closer.
If you have to travel for so long and so far away I guess you are not the only one.So open up a little shop at home and start your own little business,you ara shure to be a succes!!!
Good lock
A friend of mine tried that a few years ago. I'm a teacher and I have to teach for at least 10 more years. Anyway, the shop held on for 3 years and was just beginning to grow when she had to close due to illness in the family. She tried to sell the business but nobody was interested. We have loads of quilting available.
It is to bad that your friend had to close shop and I can understand that being a full time working teacher it would be totaly impossible to do what I suggested. Have a good weekend,be happy
Not really a fear but I hate cutting out so much that sometimes I'd rather not sew it than face cutting it out.
I would gladly cut out for you if you would fit me! I love to figure out the way to use the least fabric for a pattern...I know "get a life!" Since losing my "girlish" figure to accidents and aging, fitting overwhelms me.
Bonnie in northern Minnesota
I'd take you up on it except I live in San Diego county and you live in Minnesota. A little hard to do.
I had to chuckle.........I am another one to fuss and fume and spend way too much time using the least amount of fabric possible!! The craziest part of that is that I have a stash that would keep me busy for a very long time if I just spent all my time sewing!
Maybe we could work a deal.....I can't fit me either anymore......too many years of sitting on my tuss in an office and too much candy!........I'm in Minnesota, too.... eastern suburb of St. Paul.......what part besides 'northern' are you in? I have lived in this great state my entire life and am somewhat familiar with most areas.......at least in general.
To Andrigram and Crasy K
I can see you are trying to help one an other and this wonderful.
So the adage says (show a man how to fish.....)may I very humbly
suggest that you help each other to make your own twin dress form
as seen in Vogue patterns magasine of june/july 2006 starting on page to 24 on the top 25 lefthand side or go to http://www.voguepaterns.com.Maybe this
could be the start of a beautiful freindship.Hope this could help
Thanks for the idea! It seems that Andrigram and I live quite far apart.........MN is a long state! I have a dress form but haven't mastered the fine technique of using it. I'm sure the 'my twin' would be better.........weight loss on my part would help a bunch as well!
I am working with a dress form and I swear I could not do without it
I also gaine some weigt,I just pad the form to resemble my mesurments
as well as I can and it is working quite well
i used to hate cutting out because it hurt my hands. now i have the Fiskars that are spring loaded, and it's much better! Loey
My fear is that after I've spent a lot of time on a project, that I'll mess something up at the end. That has happened a couple of times when I was under a time crunch and was tired and trying to finish in a hurry. Most times the mistakes can be fixed with a little more time and effort.
But once when I was in high school, I was finishing up a formal gown after midnight one night. Went to press the hem and the iron was too hot--melted the polyester and left the iron impression on the back hem! I had to wear it the next day anyway. I don't think too many people noticed, but I was pretty upset!
Ouch - I feel for you - Finishing sewing projects under pressure doesn't always yield the best results! Laurel
Yes, making a big mistake at the end. One time I made a lined jacket and I was almost done. It was my first and (so far) only lining, so I was pretty proud of myself. I just needed to hem the sleeves. They were a little too long so I had to trim them. I measured and cut. to my horror, I discovered that I had trimmed off the same sleeve twice! the jacket was completely unwearable. Definitely learned from my mistake, tho.
I've done that, too!!! How disheartening! I just made my jacket a 3/4 sleeve jacket & it was fine. Eventually, when I became tired of it as a jacket, I took off the sleeves & collar & turned it into a vest. All is not lost!
Glad to know I'm not alone!
Ohhh...too bad about your jacket. But I try to always learn from my mistakes, too. I've learned a lot of lessons this way! :-)
My worst fear is always that moment before scissors hit fabric. I will check and recheck a layout before I cut. Sometimes I will even wait a day before I cut out a garment. I have a lot of extra lenghts left in my stash because I always tend to buy that little extra just in case.
My worst fear is;you guessed it, zippers!!! how I would love to install one without being so stressed.
It was a toss up for me which was worse, cutting or zippers. cutting won because you can always redo a zipper! I have yet to even attempt an invisible zipper, I'm such a big chicken. Cathy
Oh Cathy, my friend. Invisible zippers are much easier to put in than any other kind of zipper procedure. I use them all the time ...even though I don't have a problem with regular ones, because: 1) I like the look; 2) they are so fast and easy; and 3) they are more comfortable (IMHO) in a garment, regardless of where the zipper is placed. I've got tons of them, so if you want to give one a try (for free), just email me and I'll send you one in an envelope to try on some scrap fabric. No problem!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? I do have one in a box of stuff I sorted through from my mom's stash. I will pull it out and give it a whirl. I haven't had the chance to add a new sample to my sample file so invisible zipper is it. Thanks for the kick in the butt my friend. Cathy
You are most welcome; and if you feel you need a few more "practice" sessions, please feel free to write me. I bought a whole bunch of them on sale a few years ago, and it is unlikely that I'll use them all ...and I would enjoy sharing them with you.
It is the 4th of July for me and, although I'm living in Canada ...and dislike Bush (and that is putting it very mildly) ...I'm taking the day off and sewing all day. Yeah! Yes, I am officially retired, but normally I do free lance work on my computer about 5-7 hours a day, so not totally retired. It just feels like it, compared to the 70-90 hours a week that I worked for nearly 30-years.
Enjoy the day, my friend. And thanks for your note.
Happy sewing on Fourth of July! Can't think of a better way to celebrate. It has temp. quit raining and the sun is shining. Going to work in my garden today. Cathy
Edited 7/4/2008 10:27 am ET by ThreadKoe
Oh, I think I forgot to tell you: I got a copy of "Sew Stylish" and liked it so much that I ordered all of the back issues (there were 4 before the one I bought).
They just arrived a couple of days ago and I have been devouring them. They have great articles in them and, even though some are a review of what I learned in the past, I am finding it very helpful to review. And there are always new ways of doing things that work better, as well. Have you had a chance to check it out? Just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't read one yet. I just ordered the new one for fall (free shipping for pre-orders; nice!)
PS: I keep trying to change the time zone in my profile to read: Pacific Time, and it doesn't seem to "stick" ...thus the late hour stamp, when it is actually only 7:30 am at the moment I'm writing this. I just tried it again, after making this "edit", so we'll see if the time changes.
Edited 7/4/2008 10:32 am ET by sewslow67
I picked up one copy when it first came out and loved it. Have to order the rest tho. Tried to subscribe, but they had just done away with that at the time. Will be looking for them on the newsstand. Cathy
I have to agree with Threadkoe (Cathy) - hope you have a wonderful July 4th sewing all day!
Thanks so much, Gloria; it's been absolutely terrific ...and great to do just what I love to do ...sew! I felt a bit guilty for not going out and painting this morning when it was cool, but there is always another day for that. And since it was a sort of holiday (even though I'm not in the states), I decided to just sit back, do what I love, and enjoy it.
I hope your day is lovely, as well. ;-)
Good for you - you deserved a break from all that painting. Happy sewing!
Hello Ghis. Thank you for the encouragement. Your english writing is good and you get what you want to say across. Don't worry if it isn't perfect, as long as we all understand each other, that is the idea, eh? Cathy
Dear TreadKoe
I know that you will appreciate the invisible zipper once you get the hang of it,and thanks for giving me a (good)for my written english ...
because I only get to write it when I chat with you girls.
Hi Cathy: I was just looking through some of my sewing books last night and saw one of the best invisible zipper instructions in one of them. It is in Power Sewing by Sandra Betzina on pages 132-133. I think this might help you a lot. Mine is the 2000 edition - if this helps. If you don't have it, you could always go to the library and check it out. Anyway, I hope this helps. See you in a couple of weeks!
Thanks, I think that is one book that is on my look to buy list. Cathy
My worst fear is starting. Sometimes I think and analyze and fret and over-think a project, or a particular part of a project so that I am afraid to begin. I once worked with a patternmaker who, I observed, just dove in and did the task, not worrying about being precise to the millimeter, but just did it. I saw that she didn't worry about it so much and got much done very quickly with great results. I try to adopt this attitude, and when I do just dive in and start, I usually find that all those millimeters I worried about aren't such big obstacles after all. But sometimes overcoming the fear to begin can be the hardest part.
I hear you! I sometimes have that problem, too, especially since I really hate the cutting part of sewing and I DON'T want to make any mistakes so that I have to do things over.
Oh how I understand your feelings cause I get those quite often ,I am still hoping that someday I will get rid of them and get on with it.So do not worry,both you and I will stop procrastinating one day and jump into it and get whatever we want to do ,done Have a good weekend and do not think about this to much.Just relax and enjoy the summer.
altering for my pear shaped body and I'm only 5'4", w/narrow shoulders. when I was young there was some difference between my waist and bust, now theres only two inches giggle! some will say, just loose weight. at my age it's harder than you think. i'd still have the hip problem. that never goes away.
I really don't have any fears about sewing, and I do have a large stash of really good fabrics that are "too good to use". But today I am making that jacket in the new Threads (the square one) out of very expensive drapey wool that has been "too good to use" in my stash for over ten years.
I have quite a stash of fabrics that I have saved from my days of sewing for my children and myself. Now I am wanting to get into the great projects I have dreamed of so often. My greatest fear is getting started and having to stop for various reasons that demand my intense involvement. I hate having unfinished projects that just don't fit the bill when I get back to them. Also, it has been so long since I have sewn for myself (my shape is different now) that I fear not being able to fit myself well. Maybe I just need to jump in and do some simple, fast things that get me back in the swing of sewing. Sewing was always satisfying fun for me, not a job. I need that back.
Edited 5/16/2008 11:30 am ET by mary4u
Just realized my worst fear yesterday -- necklines!!! Again.I am making a cotton gauze shirt; both front and back neck facings that had fusible stabilizer applied. Then, the shirt neckline and the neck facings did not fit together. By a LOT!Probably my own fault as I did not stay-stitch the neckline, but I do dread most necklines even with more stable fabric. Even collars do not always fit properly. Sob.
My Aunt Jo, always said you can't ruin a GOOD piece of fabric. Quality always shows. Of course that was in the 60's whan almost any calamity could be turned into a mini-skirt and worn with pride! Gail
This probably doesn't qualify as a "fear", but I truly dislike "facings" and try to avoid them at all costs. Very often a piece of bias serves well. Gail
Facings do fine for me but I am scared of bias. Everytime I sew then when I fold it over I get waves and wrinkles. I don't even bind placemats or any straight things because somehow I can never get it to lay smoothly. What is your secret and what am I failing to do?
Dear mary4u --
I don't think there are any secrets about bias. Just measure accurately. Make sure you ARE on the true bias (generally 45 degrees from the selvage). Take your time, don't hurry, be happy! Gail
Could you be stretching the fabric as you sew? This can cause rippling.
I think I may stretch the fabric, especially when a curve is involved like in an armhole. When I first started sewing (xx years ago) I had to remove some bias tape which of course frayed because I was young and impatient. Now I've not sewn regularly in quite a while and I think my fear of bias is almost a phobia. I am inspired to get busy and cut lots of bias and practice this over and over until I can do it.
Yes, you do have to stretch/ease a little when using bias, but not excessively. Have you tried basting first?
I think your approach to avoiding a phobia is very wise. I avoided buttonholes for years at one point in my sewing adventures - it was not good. Funnily enough, a non-sewing friend got me over it by sitting me down and making me sew lots of them on scrap fabrics. Best gift she ever gave me!
I dislike many (not all) facings because they can give a homemade appearance. I try to copy RTW on this issue.
Like another poster I, too, try to use the least amount of fabric possible. My grandma did this and it's become a sort of game to me - not really a fear.
Many posters mentioned fear of poor fit. I had this fear but conquered it by making trial muslins. The extra time spent is always worth the effort!
My big beef: patternmakers have failed to make pattern adjustments for the mature woman and it's a shame as we mature gals have the desire, income to buy quality fabrics, and sewing background to greatly help keep this industry thriving! Sandra Betzina seems to be the only one that has attempted to make a few adjustments (larger waist measurements) to her patterns. More designers need to "get on board" and remember the baby boomers!!!
You are exactly right. I have to adjust patterns for the "mature" body I have found myself in. Pattern companies have not thought of us as they design patterns. There have been a few years since I have sewn much but now that I want to get back into it, there are few patterns and the availablity of good fabric is another problem. I have to drive over an hour to find a decent fabric store and even there most fabrics are for crafts or bridals. Right now I stock up on fabric when I go to a much bigger city. Any vacation or business travel for me also includes a visit to the fabric stores. I really rather see and feel my fabric so on-line just doesn't inspire me as much.
I do love my dress form. Formerly I didn't us a dress form or muslins because patterns fit perfectly with only the slightest adjustments. Now I depend on my dress form a lot. It has been a great investment.
Hems! topstitching not even from the edge, allowance not even, and inseam and outseam not aligning. and off grain sometimes HELP! Marlece
My worst sewing fear is the nightmare of not having a sewing machine! I even carefully maintain a functioning treadle machine just in case the power goes out or gets too expensive.
My worst fear is making a muslin that requires a lot of work (and more than I expected) that turns out well but is too much work to do again in a fabric that would be more suitable or hold up longer.
Having three very young children (1 1/2, 6 and 8), a full job and a huge urge to sew my greatest fear is that friends or family show up for the w-e. My worst scenario looks like this: Friday night I rush home after a busy day, I feed everyone and put them to bed just to enjoy cutting a precious fabric with wonderful drape in my colours. My dear husband is sitting on the sofa next to my cutting table, drinking his whisky and reading his book. Both of us enjoy the silent active presence of each other. I cut the pieces one by one and I am asking myself if I should stay up all night to finish my project or if I should take the baby down at 6am when he wakes up and do the sewing then. I decide to go to bed because I so much like dreaming of the challenges I will face in the morning and the solutions I will find to them. What an adventure I think to myself and go happily to bed! I wake up next morning by a phone call. My in laws announce their arrival for the w-e. Oh, no!
Best regards
My fear is a poor fit after carefully measuring and fitting the pattern, extreme careful cutting and construction and lots of time ... then comes the moment to try it on and OOPS ... well, there's another one to toss in the drawer to maybe fix later!
I have come to this discussion as it flies off on other tacks. But my biggest no no with sewing is the neck line and collars as if not perfect can look home made which is my greatest fear!!!
What is my fear when starting to sew?
It's simple and constant and one we all know.
Do the seams sit right?
Why does it fit tight?
Threads, can you show us the best way to go?
Mine is the same as the very first responder...that it will look homemade.
I've made clothes for myself and my children and nieces, even school uniforms and work clothes but I still feel like a novice. I love sewing but finding the time to do it can be so difficult that when I've started something I like to finish it in one shot or it gets laid up for a long time.
So everytime I try something I've never done before or in a long time (I get stressed out drafting the pattern) I'm afraid that I'm going to do something wrong that I can't easily fix right away and my project will end up on the proverbial back burner for a long time.
I find the kitchen timer to be a help. Just set it for an hour or 50 minutes, and sew, consistantly, every day for that amount of time.
Many of us learned to sew this way in Home Ec. The 50 minute period included attendance taking, getting out our projects, and cleaning up after.
Even at that we managed to make 3 projects a semester! Gail
That sounds like a plan. I'll give it a try. Really appreciate the suggestion.
Thank You
I wish I could do that. But with an almost 2 year old, having a whole hour is impossible. I think what I am going to do is tell dh that I'm taking 2 nights a week just for me. One night will be spent sewing (He won't mind this since it will save on our clothing bill. I'm a short, pluse size trying to sew up my stash. ;-) ) The other night will be spent sewing or scrapbooking which ever hits me. I find that I have a real NEED to create. If I don't get to do this every once in a while, I get really cranky and unhappy.
I used to be a Home Ec teacher. When I was teaching, during my "Summer off" I'd take a whole day and sew. I'd throw something in the crock pot for supper and just sit down and do it. It was great because I didn't feel guilty since I was "maintaining my working skills"!!
My biggest fear is making something that is out of style. Since having kids I hardly have time to use the bathroom let alone look at a fashion mag. I try to sneak it in by watching Project Runway or What Not to Wear. ;-)
Enjoy your children, you'll never get another chance. Take time for your self too. 2 nights a week is not too much to ask.
When our daughter was very young, I noticed than another young mother in our church had such lovely clothes! When I complimented her, she told me that she made them all herself. I lamented that I didn't seem to have the time to sew for myself anymore. She wisely replied, "I have a priority, too."
Thank you. I have a pattern for a cute, but quick and easy summer dress. The pattern and fabric is ready to go. Tomorrow night I will be too! ;-)
I remember the days when seams didn't match up, and I used to think it was my fault, just like the comment from lazybug. Now that I'm a patternmaker myself, I cringe when I hear that comment because 9/10ths of the time, it's not the sewer, it's poor patternmaking. Sewers tend to blame themselves when something doesn't go right, and that just isn't fair. I've purchased patterns myself where the pant legs don't walk- the back pattern was longer by 2 inches! That's incredible. Do an article on how to walk your pattern and how to make the corrections BEFORE they cut. That will eliminate so many headaches right there...
Where did you learn patternmaking? I found your comments very interesting! I used to always think it was my fault too, but then I was sewing for a lady and I found that the collar included with the pattern was not the right size for the front and back pattern pieces.
Thanks for your comment, Cherlyn. I earned my degree at Oregon State. The school doesn't carry much clout in the design world, but it's local to me and the tuition discount helped because my husband works there. There is no "industry" here in apparel, so I did custom designed eveningwear for several years. Too stressful!! (http://www.gownsbylaura.com) Now I'm working on converting the old favorites and any new styles into sewing patterns (http://www.nostalgicpatterns.com). I'm a perfectionist by nature, and so I work very hard to make sure the pieces work together perfectly. For all the years and years before school I used to think I was at fault - my sewing technique was wrong, maybe I stretched the seam, whatever. Now I know better. The major pattern companies have to churn out the patterns fast and furious and believe me, they do make mistakes. They don't have to be fatal or costly mistakes if a sewer knows how to find them and can correct them before they cut. I'm teaching a sewing class this summer. I'd be happy to teach patternmaking if I thought there would be enough interest. I wouldn't have bothered with 8 years of school if I could have learned it more quickly by some other way!
Bravo! I applaud your ability to step out in faith and step up above the crowd. Many many good wishes for your continued success! Gail
Thanks for your well-wishes. I don't think I stepped above any crowd. Like most of us, I'm just trying to be useful/helpful. We have yet to see about the success part... :-)
My worst fears came true this past month while trying to make an outfit for this out of shape body of mine. I failed. Failed miserably. The skirt came out O.K., but the top tooked a HOT MESS! giggle. So I had to change to altering a blue jean dress I already owned and it was good. I'm just glad I didn't mess up any of my denim fabric. I used some fabric I had for the past four years that I didn't particular care if I messed it up, it had great potential, but my sewing for me skills are weak. I usually only make fashion wear accessories and outer wear.
I have a lot of learning to do if I am to make clothes for myself now. But trial and error is the route to success. I will learn to make the necessary alterations or whatever I need to do, because I bought some great denim fabric and I am determined to use it.
My worst sewing fear is having things not fit properly, especially in the bust area. I wear a C-cup but I'm short and have a narrow chest. I've figured out how to copy ready-to-wear pants to make a good fit, but shirts that have gathers under the bust are really hard to copy without destroying the original garment. I have several shirts 80% finished that will be thrown away (when I can make myself do it) just because the bust didn't come out right. I don't think there are any good tricks to modify patterns from the get-go, but if anyone knows some, please let me know.
My headache is elastic, other than in a casing! I never seem to be able to get it to go back into shape. I've got a booklet from Joan Fabrics, but I still have problems.
Maybe I use too many stitches per inch, although I try not to do that.
I did melt a pleat into the front of a baby blue skirt, once and after all that work, couldn't even salvage it by taking out the pleat :(
I think I might be able to help with your elastic situation, because I had that one years ago, but no longer.
For 1-inch wide waistline elastic (sew-on), {sometimes it's called "pajama elastic"}, I use a multiple zig-zag stitch, set at 4.0 width and 1.0 length.
Cut elastic to waistline measurement minus 3-inches before starting to sew. Butt the ends of the elastic together, backing with a scrap of firm cotton woven fabric (a scrap of any quilting type cotton will due), to make a circle. Mark the elastic into fourths, and pin those 1/4 marks onto the waist of your garment, match 1/4 marks on your garment as well.
Zigzag one edge, fold over on itself, and the zigzag the other edge ...to make a nice band. If the elastic needs to be a bit smaller, then lightly steam it with your steam iron, holding the iron just above the elastic, but not touching it.
Using this method and proportions, I've had perfect results so far, regardless of the fashion fabric I've used. I hope you do to, and that you find this helpful. Good luck.
Thanks, I'll give that a try.
I fear a bad fit, as I have a large bottom, and a stomach. te he he
My worst fear? UFOs! No, not the critters in the sky, but UnFinished Objects! If I begin a sewing project and don't have enough time to get through it while I'm still creatively fired up, I've been known to set it aside "for a time" (a really, really long time!).
This is exacerbated by the fact that I have to sew at the kitchen table and have to put it all away to get dinner ready. I make the most of my husband's business trips - I set up my machines and cutting table and leave it up for the duration. During that time I eat cross-legged at the coffee table! It's all in the name of UFO-prevention!
:) Mary
Edited 7/15/2008 12:31 pm by Ckbklady
That's so cute and funny. I couldn't sit cross legged or on the floor. I would never get up LOL. I'm going to chant for you a new sewing space LOL!!! zoom zoom zoom, num yo, num yo, hummmmmmmmmm.......hummmmmmmmmmmm!
Hey, thanks!!! I need all the help I can get! Someday, a dedicated sewing room of my very own....
:) Mary
I have a box of UFO's for various reasons.... never knew what to label it before, Thanks. Cathy
Only one box? Impressive! :) I have a near GALAXY of UFOs!
:) Mary
It is a pretty big box. ;) Cathy
I usually have 3 projects "in the works" at any given time. I don't know how this happened, but about Easter time this year, the 3 got finished up, before new ones got started..................What a horrible, empty, sick feeling! I'll work really hard to avoid that in the future. Gail
Also read 3 books at a time, my husband thinks it's craziness......................
Hey Gail,
That's funny - yes, you should be careful not to finish too many projects at once! :)
I like the idea of reading three books at once. Most guys can watch more than one TV show at once (hence the birth of picture-in-picture!) so why can't you read them the way you like?
:) Mary
As a sewer of wedding and prom gowns, my biggest sewing fear is that seams pop or rip! Gratefully, I have been fortunate to never experience this!
Everyone wants the dress to be tight!!! Even when it shouldn't be. I often lie and say I've taken it in just to satisfy their egos! They usually don't even know that I didn't really take the seams in at all.
People are so vain!!!
When I sewed for money I always assumed that I was hired for my expertise and ignored some directives from the client if it wasn't in their best interest - after all, I was the expert, so I heartily agree with you. Once, after hand hemming a really full chiffon overskirt the client wanted it 1/4" shorter. Told her to come back in a week and I put the dress in the closet. She was delighted when she tried it on afterward and I hadn't moved a stitch on it.
Oh my goodness! I am LOL! Thanks for the funny story. It's so good when someone else can relate!
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