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advice on fabric choice

smockerlady | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hi, Making an evening dress for my daughter……morphed 2 different patterns together.

So, I have the boned bodice which is made in red brick silk dupion………………my daughter wants different fabric for the skirt.

No stores where I live, so I have to rely on getting samples, which are always small and difficult sometimes to judge from.

I have a sample of silk crepe de chine, with silk habotai ( china silk) for the lining………….the skirt is not full, and has a very slight train. I will attach a pic which shows the bodice, with the attached toile of the skirt………….the bodice still has to have the lining put in which carries the spiral boning……….

Concerned that this fabric combination may be too flimsy against the boned bodice and look like she hasn’t put her skirt over her petticoat. Am I over worrying on this point.

Would crepe be a better idea…………………I have ordered a sample of black 100% wool crepe, but would love anyones suggestions on what they think. Charlotte doesn’t want dupion for the skirt.

Would be grateful for any input that can help me. I am on a bit of a deadline!



  1. stillsuesew | | #1

    If the skirt was full you could get away with the lighter weight.  I think there is a reason for your hesitation.  How about a silk satin or even a poly satin?  Then , again, You take your chances and know this is a dress she will wear once and maybe never again.

  2. HelgaPataki | | #2

    skirt fabric

    how about a silk shantung or a taffetta?  I think the dress would be beautiful if it is entirely silk.  However I prefer the wool crepe you suggested and skip the poly satin

  3. Pattiann42 | | #3

    Charlie's Choice

    Has Charlotte looked at any swatches?  What about brocade?.  Most likely not in red as finding an exact match may be impossible.  Or, red or black tulle over the white skirt.

    BTW - you have posted twice.  Since this post has responses and the other does not.  It may be less confusing to the readers if the duplicate post is eliminated.   I have done the double post before and probably will do it again.   I just delete the words and add oops! with a blushing smiley face.

    Good luck and best wishes to both you and your daughter for a really smashing dress.

    1. HelgaPataki | | #4

      Great ideas

      I like your brocade idea and the tulle as well.

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