Hi everyone,
Some of you will recall way back when I was posting threads and asking lots of questions on my kids program I was going to get started..ie projects, grants, funding things like that…
Well I know it has been a year or better but here is the wonderful update…
Yes I did start my kids afterschool program last school year started in Oct went through May of this year. I had 10 kids..none of them quit..they all loved it…We sewed every Wed (being our school district has 1/2 days on Wed)from 12:30 to 3:00 with set up and of course clean up..with some family challenges going on last year I did not go into my first year as prepared as I wanted to be however I started anyway and wow what a fun year we had…the kids just soaked it up and you can tell it is a much needed skill/art for them!! We made several projects..some were instant easy gratification and one was a awhile upon finishing..I let them all sew at their own pace so they didn’t get the pressure of time!! I did give them one home project to do and gave them some wonderful notions as a prize to finish and bring it in to share.
We made for most of the teachers and staff at the school for Christmas some Coffee Cozies that go on those paper cups..
Some of the kids got sewing machines for Christmas…some had their own machines and I had a friend who helped find sewing machines for those who didn’t have one..
I had them fill out a survey with questions for the year and it was fun to see what they learned what challenges they had and how they liked it!!!
So coming up on my second year…here are the changes I will be making as now I am a bit more prepared and some wonderful things happened for my program…
I will have 2 volunteers to help me this school year!! yeah!!! A wonderful sewing machine company has offered to support my program with 10 wonderful computer machines one being a serger too!! And with a great dealer for the support as I need it…So these kids will have great equipment and I will be only working with one machine and not having to spend my time during class trying to figure out everyone’s different machines.. From year to year I will be getting new machines…yeah…What a blessing and I can’t believe that this has happened!! One person ladies can make a difference!!
And I am a licensed Kids can sew Instructor now so that is the pattern/workbook/curriculum we will be working with from now on…They will garment sew!! yeah….with a few fun things in-between…so I am excited about that…
And since I had to turn away alot of kids last year..I felt so bad what a grand response I had…I decided to have 2 different classes on Wed…they will rotate each wed…so I will get to touch 20 kids instead of 10..I plan on having a 1st year and second year…so my 5th graders will be in my second year this year or others who have knowledge of sewing…
Again I opened this up to 5th and 6th graders…10years to 12years…what a wonderful age!! All about the embellishments I tell you what!!
Ok I know I wrote a novel…but What a fun time I am having….It is like a breath of fresh air seeing this kids grow confidence…see what they are designing to put there own signature on it!! Great times!!
Can’t wait till this Oct…Busy busy but well worth my time!!
Edited 7/30/2008 1:51 pm by blondie2sew
That sounds wonderful! You should feel very proud. I hope you have an exciting and rewarding second year.
Hi Blondie,
This sounds really wonderful and I'm so happy for you. Can you tell me more about the "kids can sew" [program? I googled it but they don't really give you a lot of info on line. Were the packets useful? is that what you used for your program or did you supplement with other stuff? can I ask what the fee was for the packets? Do you think the certification helped? was it a draw for the parents? was it worth the money you spent for it? What do you have to do to get certified?I'm really so happy for you that this worked so well.
Hey Judy,Ok I will answer your questions best as I can...I did not get to use these workbooks last year as I was able to get certified towards the end of the year...So this year will be the first to put this curriculum in place..However.. I did mini sewing camps this summer using this and it was wonderful!!Ok they do have different packages depending on really how many zip codes you want to market...This is really used if you want to start sewing schools and such..which I will eventually to make some money however right now my focus is just the kids at school...which I am not charging for my time...I want to really get to those who would otherwise not be able to have the opportunity if they want to take it..however they could have 2 years with me in school and I know my last year 6th graders want to do more so I might set up a once a week sewing school for them which I will charge for..I figure the parents can take advantage of me at school then come summer camps and further education they can pay me and I can earn a lil extra!! But at any rate I wanted something solid for the kids that is why I chose this program..The workbooks which is really about a years worth well a school years worth of projects...such as pants..this you can design to be capris...long pants...pj pants etc...then you have shorts...then round neck blouse, peasant blouse and peasant gown...which can be a dress.. then a denim skirt which can be anything really....So the patterns are really basic patterns and then you can have them add the design..like trims appliques etc...Each child gets a workbook (that is the instructions step by step)and full size patterns... There is available Camp workbooks which you can use for in-between..or camps or what ever they have some really fun items in these...like pillows, backpack, pencil case...and on and on...All the patterns are wonderful..very basic...the graphics are easy to see...lil pins are on the patterns for pin placement...fold is very much evident...cutting lines...ugly side, pretty side..all with graphics like faces and such...These patterns are designed to get them use to instruction...terms...and looking at pattern pieces and such so they can transition onto commercial patterns with less confusion and a better understanding...If you want more for prices I will email you personally for that I don't think I better do that over this...I just don't want to get in trouble...I can tell you more what I have done with my mini camps and such...what I charged and I can even send you some of my students pics of what they made...cute stuff..so let me know if you want me to do this!! But I am steadily gearing up and sewing up my samples in the Year 1 workbook for the kids so they can see what they will be doing.. I will also be embellishing so the kids can see what they can achieve too...they can't leave anything plain these days..well neither can I!!I am hoping this sheds some light for you please let me know if you have anymore questions...I am glad I will be using this program!! I believe it will really get the kids confident to sewing garments!!!
Wow, you are a busy bee. Congratulations on all of your hard earned success.
Thanks...I am humbled when you say success...I just am having fun with my passion and wanting to touch some young kids' lives through sewing!!And yes the sewing machine company was just a blessing and I am still pinching myself that this happened to my program!! Very excited needless to say!! The company has just been excited with me and who knows I am hoping other schools in the district will catch the bug on Wednes. for the kids..I would love to plant others that would be great!! Who knows...just started small..have a feeling though that sewing explosion will soon to be here!! gotta love that..and not quilting...sorry didn't mean to offend anyone..but I am not a quilter..
What a Wonderful thing to provide to your community. Bless you. Cathy
Thanks for your kind words Cathy,I truly enjoy it...this is not at all a burden...whether I am in my own sewing room or with the kids teaching them how to sew...it is all the same....Actually they inspire me!! too fun
I'm so glad you updated us on your project. What a wonderful service, and I'm sure it has been and will continue to be gratifying for you, which is the greatest reward for extending yourself so generously. You have accomplished quite a feat, getting sponsorship for the machines, etc. I appreciate the enormous contribution you're making, and keep my fingers crossed that you'll be able to expand the way you want to.
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