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Conversational Threads

American Sewing Guild

MichelleinMO | Posted in Talk With Us on

Sewing Conventions

Is anyone going to the ASG Convention in New Mexico?

Michelle in Joplin, MO


  1. Roznos | | #1

    Yes, I am.  Are you going to enter the Creative Contest?  I have never been to an ASG Convention so I don't really know what to expect. 

    1. User avater
      MichelleinMO | | #2

      I haven't read anything about the Creative Contests, but I doubt that I would since this is also my first year at the ASG. 

      I also don't know really what to expect, but I am hoping the schedules to register will come out really soon. 

      Will you be traveling far?

      1. Roznos | | #3

        The schedule for classes/seminars should be posted on the ASG website by March 31st or Arpril 1st (don't remember the exact date) and, if you are an ASG member, they should be mailing you a copy around the same time, too.  I will be coming from Los Angeles area.  I wanted to go to the ASG conference when they had it in Sacramento (years ago) but was unable to so New Mexico is as close to home as it is going to get.  I'm a member of the ASG Chapter in LA.  We are really encouraging the membership to go to this and to participate in the Creative Contest, too.  You should go to the ASG website and look at the Creative Contest requiremnts.  There is something for every level of sewer. I know I sound like I work for the ASG, but I don't.  Its just that clothing sewing in my area is almost non-existent.  There are several large quilt groups, but if you mention clothing construction to any of they they almost step back as if you've just announced you have leporsy.

        1. User avater
          MichelleinMO | | #4

          How wonderful you are coming from Los Angeles with all the wonderful garment/clothing districts in your state.  I have only heard of and seen pictures through Pattern Review. 

          I had planned on going to the Chicago ASG last year.  I was all signed up for it and sent in my money and etc.  I found out about six weeks prior to the convention I had Type II Diabetes.  Although the ASG meal plan has diabetic meals provided I was afraid to go with the newness and uncertainty of getting everything straightened out such as checking my blood sugar, meal planning, medication and etc.  I was afraid I might miss a huge portion of the classes, so I bowed out. 

          I was really disappointed, because I hear Chicago is a fabulous place to visit.  We were close enough that hubby and I were going to drive. 

          It sounds like you have a very active chapter.  How nice for you!  I wish my chapter was more active as I think I am the only one from my group of 40 going.  It would be nice to have someone come along, but I will not be detoured this year. 

          I love to sew clothing and some home decor.  Clothing is my main passion.  I have made a purse and some small household items such as pillows. 

          I will look up the ASG website and see what the challenge is about,  Although I have made one jacket with welt pockets and bound buttonholes I consider myself a beginner in the intermediate level.  I am very slow at completing clothing.  I expect a lot out of myself. 

          My chapter is composed of mostly quilters and there are quilt chapters everywhere but people act like sewing clothing is disgusting.  I just don't know when or where the clothing issue started. 

          My mother sewed clothing for me at a young age due to finances, but it is not a financial thing for me.  I can go and buy clothing.  It is just hard to find the material I want in clothing.  I see a lot of items and they are not cheap made out of a polyester blend.  I don't care for polyester.  I tend to lean more toward natural fibers that are not hot like polyester. 

          My chapter is in Kansas almost 90 minutes away for me.  I wish I could find a local chapter closer that is more into clothing. 

          Thank you for sharing the challenge with me it wasn't mentioned at my last meeting two weeks ago.


          1. Roznos | | #5

            I, too, wanted to go to Chicago, but the timing wasn't right for me.  For this up-coming convention, I can recommend Ann St Clair Bra Making seminar. (She's from Kansas - Needlenook Fabrics)  We just had her and Deb (the gal who works with her) come to LA and do a Bra Workshop.  It was great.  Initially I thought - sewing bras?  I can buy a bra and one that fits well, too.  But everyone who went to the Convention just raved about this seminar so I took it and it was great!  They are both great teachers and I learned how to work with those stretchy fabrics (sewing bathing suits is next on my list to learn).  I did struggle in the workshop but Anne was very helpful and I came  home and spent the next week making another bra.  So, if you get the chance to take her workshop, I wouldn't pass it up. 


          2. User avater
            MichelleinMO | | #6

            Thank you so much for the suggestion of taking the bra seminar I could really use the assistance in learning how to work with those type of stretchy fabrics.  I never know what type of needle, thread or other details I need; this is not a class I could easily pick up in my area. 

        2. Teaf5 | | #7

          Oh, you're so right about the response of some quilters to those who sew clothing! I also quilt, but I always got the cold shoulder in the local quilt shop because I didn't take their classes or participate in their workshops or groups, which were always held during normal business hours. Not surprisingly, they have gone out of business; I wonder if they ever realized that appealing to and serving all kinds of customers would have been more profitable than running the equivalent of private social club?Thanks for the reminders about ASG; it's hard for me to find anyone who is at all interested in sewing anymore!

          1. Roznos | | #8

            It is great that you quilt.  I an a horrible quilter that's why I went to sewing garments.  I know for most sewers it is the other way around, they started in garments got frustrated with trying to fit and then went to quilts.   In quilting I loved picking out the pattern, buying the fabric and sewing the top and then - poof! I was done. Also, living in southern California - how many quilts does one person truly need?  It does get cold here - but NOT that cold.  I have several sewn quilt tops sitting in a closet. I just lost the excitment after putting the top together. I looked into having the quilt tops professional quilted with a long arm but it very expensive.    Whereas clothing construction I  find fascinating from start to finish.  I have signed up for several fit seminars at the ASG convention and am looking forward to the experience. 

          2. gailete | | #9

            I love it that you like putting quilt tops together and then feel like you are done. I have made many quilts, but it is like pulling teeth most of the time to put the quilt tops together with the batting and backing. I lose interest once I see how the top turned out also, so you are not alone!

            My hubby was talking to me about whether there are any groups of like minded sewing people that I could join and other than quilting groups, I hadn't really heard of anything in my area. I guess I should investigate. I can't usually go to meetings due to my health, so I think I need an on-line something.

            Hope you ladies have fun in NM.


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