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Conversational Threads

An outfit for DGD……..

Crazy K | Posted in Photo Gallery on

My DD gave me permission (ha ha) to make a couple of outfits for little 2 yr. old DGD…..this is the first!  I made both garments and the design is from Emb. Library. 

It was much fun, I think I’ll have to find another something to make!! ha ha


  1. victoria0001 | | #1

    It's beautifully made and so very cute!  Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. User avater
      JunkQueen | | #2

      Precious! What little girl would not love wearing that. You did a splendid job.

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #3

    Absolutely Priceless! Beeutiful! Your embroidery work is so precise, and the thread lays so nicely on top. Better than the professional stuff. I do not remember if you said it somewhere else, but which machine do you use? Cathy

    1. Crazy K | | #4

      Thanks for the kind words!  I sew and embroidery with Designer SE...  I have two....I'm spoiled!  They are a dream machine!

      I think many of Emb. Library's designs are much nicer than most of the professional stuff you see in the stores on rtw..........IMHO anyway.  I've not used a lot of other designers things but I'm sure many of them are good as well.  Just that I have picked up most of my designs from EL when they've been on sale or freebies, etc.  The one I used was a freebie from last month. 


      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #5

        I worked for 3 yrs on a commercial Tajima embroidery machine. I loved the job and really miss it. We did sportswear for schools and sport teams. They even had the digitizing software and I was learning to use it. I even had the chance to design a few logos. Had to quit due to health reasons. Have been saving up for my own embroidery machine ever since. I know there is little difference between commercial and home machines other than hoop size capabilities and of course, the ability to have more threads available without having to re thread. So I like to hear what people have to say about their machines. Cathy

        Edited 7/14/2008 1:32 pm ET by ThreadKoe

        1. Crazy K | | #6

          The changing of the threads is the most tedious part of embroidery......for that I would love a commercial machine.  However, since I do it just for fun, I can't justify the expensive or the space!  That must have been a fun job.    I stood and watching a commercial machine with many heads.......maybe 12....and it was fascinating to watch!!  What do you do when one thread breaks??????  Or a needle in one head????  Does the whole machine stop???    Guess I best stick with my single.....that's enough to watch sometimes!! ha ha


          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #8

            I worked on a single head and a two head machine, 12 threads. Re threading is like threading a threaded serger, just knot the threads together and pull through to the needle, then re thread the needle.
            The tedious part of the job was just standing there watching for things like thread snags, needle breaks, and the other usual problems with a machine. Then you had to hit the emergency stop button. It stops the machine at that point. You could then fix the problem, and then wind the program back to the point where the problem began on that head, and re-sew from that point on. The other head would then kick in when the pattern caught up. I also used a CAD cutter that cut the appliques to be sewn on. I really did like that job. Cathy

      2. DONNAKAYE | | #20

        I totally agree with you about Emb Library's designs.  In fact, I rarely buy anything else anymore.  Not only do they stitch out perfectly, but their designs are my kind of designs.  So many other design kits have a few designs that may interest me but I don't need to spend a fortune to get the whole collection.  What I love about EL is that you can buy single designs at a very affordable price and just get exactly what you want instead of a bunch of stuff you really don't want or need just to get the few designs you do like in the collection.  Kind of like buying the CD just to get the one song you really want.....

        Kudos to EL!......donna kaye

  3. rodezzy | | #7

    What a beautifully sewn project and the embroidery is too cute.  Thanks for sharing.

    Edited 7/14/2008 1:47 pm ET by rodezzy

  4. GailAnn | | #9

    Awwwwwwwwwww!  So sweet.  Gail

  5. User avater
    purduemom | | #10

    Adorable!!! Sewing for grandchildren is definitely something I am looking forward to.

  6. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #11

    Awwww, how precious!  You did a great job with the sewing and the embroidery.  The bumblebee design really adds punch to the outfit.  Don't you just love Emb Library designs?  (I think you introduced me to them--they're top notch!) 

    1. Crazy K | | #12

      Thanks for the kind words!  The package was received and mom loves it.........in fact, she said she doesn't know if she wants Taylor to wear it and get it dirty because it's just toooooo cute!  I think it's a hit..................my brain is thinking of more things to make!! ha  She's got plenty for summer so grandma will start thinking about things for fall!!  Keeps me busy and out of trouble!

      Yes, I really do like Emb. Library's designs.  Affordable and always stitch out just great.


      1. rodezzy | | #13

        I can imagine her not wanting it to get messed up, but he will look so awesomely cute in it, I think.  DGM will make more for him, and she will get used to him messing it up.  Your work is so beautiful and looks a thousand times sturdier than what's in the stores, so I don't think she will have to worry about washing it.  Isn't it wonderful to have your talents and toys to do such wonderful works of art? 

  7. dressed2atee | | #14

    too cute....I'm expecting a grand son in Nov...first boy in the family in 14 yrs!  I can't wait to make him some cute outfits!

  8. Jessie3 | | #15

    Hi K.,

    I thought your outfit was just darling!  Please do share more of your projects I love seeing them.  

    I have not bought my machine yet, but decided there was not enough difference to push me to the outer limits and get the diamond.  I think the SE LE does all I need it to do.  I am looking too at the babylock TOL-Ellegante, they too are having their new machine out in Sept.  The Janome I think is getting ready to promote one too.  They had a GREAT DEAL on their machine (11000).  They also had a good deal on the software package, it came with 2 hoops (macro hoop,free arm hoop) clothsetter/extension table, two cds, (monogram wizzard, and 1100 embroidery designs), spool holder stand, 25 spools of Robison and Anton thread (1100YDS). Machine 3999.00, and pkg deal-1499.00 , I want the piviot function and it does not have it.  I have gabbed enough, what is your take? 



    Edited 7/21/2008 6:42 pm ET by Jessie3

    1. Crazy K | | #16

      Thanks!  I am working on another right now.  Had to quit for a bit......DH thinks supper is in order! ha 

      As far as the machine........Wow!  That is a good price for the 11000 but I have the pivot function and the fact that you don't have to fuss with the lever to raise and lower the presser foot.......and I am spoiled.  I love the pivot and I love that my foot lowers the presser foot and starts the machine.  I guess I would have to say those are my favorites.........well, the auto thread cutter is nice, too!  It pulls the top thread to the bottom and cuts off leaving just a short tail.

      I, too, see no reason to hop to the Diamond.  I didn't see enough features to warrant the extra cost and I'm not sure I have room for the extra size.  It would be nice for some things but takes up lots of space that I don't have!

      If my new project turns out, I will post a picture.  I did two outfits for DGS yesterday but no embroidery.  I used athletic mesh (doubled for the shorts) and then made coordinating muscle shirts......which he likes.  The set for the little DGD is plaid seersucker pants and a plain knit top.....just finished a cute little design on that.  Fun!


  9. MaryinColorado | | #17

    Adorable!  I love the orange and yellow!  Your work is always so sharp.  Mary

    1. Crazy K | | #18

      Thanks, Mary!  Good to hear from you.  Hope you're having a good summer.  I have made another outfit for Taylor and also two out of athletic mesh for her 'big' brother who is 5.  I have to take pictures of those yet and will then post.


      1. MaryinColorado | | #19

        Hope you are having a great summer too!  There's never a dull moment here with the grandkids out of school.  It seems like they are always hungry or need to be driven somewhere, ha ha.  I love it!  Also, got a new puppy so am getting alot of extra exercise wether I want it or not. 

        I'm working on several Tshirt makeovers, there's an inspiring thread here about it with photo that is so timely and inspirational.  Love those ideas!  I might even use that bumblebee and daisy for myself on the yellow T.

        Have you ever bought the Sulky booklets?  They have alot of neat creative ideas in them too.  Mary

  10. fabricholic | | #21

    That is absolutely adorable. It looks like something from the finest shops.

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