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Conversational Threads

Armani Men’s Wear Deconstruction

clarkebmc | Posted in Talk With Us on


You have published several excellent articles on the deconstruction of Armani Women’s wear.

How about an article on the deconstruction of Armani men’s wear?

Or possibly an article on the differences between Armani men’s and women’s wear.

/* Bernie */


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    You don't happen to have a men's suit by Armani that we could take apart for research, do you? Just kidding--but it's a good suggestion. As you probably know, we focus on women's clothing, because our demographics show that all our readers sew for women, and a much smaller number sew for men (granted, we obviously haven't had a large enough survey sample to include many, or possibly any, men). It would be neat to know what makes an Armani an Armani.

    If you're interested in men's tailoring, you might want to look at the New Yorker's recent "Style" issue, in which there's a terrific article on the tailor who makes the president's suits. Georges de Paris has sewn for presidents for many years now, and I enjoyed hearing about his procedures (an opinions!).


    1. Elisabeth | | #2

      Taking things apart is such an amazing learning experience. For people who love fine clothing though it is difficult to impossible to tear apart a lovely item! The next best thing is maybe a close investigation of a garment. I know there are some really cool garments in NYC museums. I heard that one of the Threads editors was a museum junkie. Hmmmm, if we could only get the two together...

      1. ShannonG4d | | #3

        Actually, you don't have to take the whole thing apart.  You can tell a lot by feeling through the layers and holding the garment up to the light to see where there are shadows.  If the garment is dark, you can release a small part of the lining and open to the inside to discover the secrets.  That's just for jackets; most pants are unlined, and you can see without taking them apart what the construction details are like.

        I found a women's Armani 3-piece suit a few years back, and treasure it as a source of instruction and inspiration.  Check your local high-end thrift stores.  There are Armanis out there to be found!


        1. edgy | | #4

          Carol,I read that New Yorker article, also, and was fascinated. He sews all his seams by hand -- suits and shirts, because he said that the thread "melts" into the fabric. That's dedication -- even if he does charge $4000/suit!!nancy

          1. carolfresia | | #5

            Yeah, I was impressed by that. I was under the impression that even in haute couture, some seams are sewn by machine! So a completely hand-sewn suit sounded pretty marvelous. I'd love to see one of them in person (up close--I don't mean behind a podium during a debate).


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