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Conversational Threads

Backing Up Threads Magazine DVD Favorites

carolmv | Posted in Talk With Us on

Is there a way to back up my threads magazine DVD favorites so I don’t lose them?  My main computer hard drive crashed the other day and I had to purchase a new machine and reinstall my Threads Magazine DVD.  But, of course, I no longer have my Threads Magazine favorites on that machine.  Please, please help me.



  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Backing Up Threads Magazine DVD Favorites

    Not sure how you would do just the favorites.  You could try to back up the entire installation on a stick drive.

  2. amm | | #2

    Lost Favorites

    I checked with our technical folks  to see if it's possible for you to retrieve your Favorites. Here's what I learned.

    You'll have to be able to access your old computer to get the Favorites. If that computer it totally "fried" and you can't download any of the files, unfortunately, you're out of luck. If you can retireve files from that computer, go to one of the following--whichever is appropriate.

    PC-Windows XP

    C:Documents and SettingsYOUR USER NAMEApplication DataTauntonTHR.xml

    Mac-OSX 10.6

    YOUR USER NAMELibraryApplication SupportTauntonTHR.xml

    Once you locate the THR.xml file (which is where your Favorites are filed), download it to a flash drive or disk ,and reload it on your new computer. If a pop-up appears with a message similar to: "A file already exists with that name, do you want to replace it? be sure to answer "YES."

    Your Favorites should be all set on your new computer.

    April Mohr, Threads Editorial Department


    1. carolmv | | #3

      Backing Up Threads Magazine DVD Favorites

      Thanks for the advice.  What would the favorites file name be and where might I find it in Windows 7?   I have searched for it under "thr.xml" without success.  (I guess I should have mentioned the operating system when I posted my original query.)

  3. carolmv | | #4

    Backing Up Threads Magazine DVD Favorites

    Problem solved!  The subfolders in "Users" were set up as "hidden."  I changed the computer setup to unhide them and found the THR.XML file in UsersDefaultAppdataRoamingTaunton.  For Windows 7 users you will need to ensure your folders are not hidden and to look for the "Roaming" sub-folder.

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