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Counterchange Smocking on Gingham

DScott55 | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

Hello Everyone……..newbie here in Alabama where it is HOT!!!!


Would anyone want to discuss (and possibly attempt to teach *wink*) an old dog how to counterchange smock on gingham? I did it as a child and have totally forgotten how to do it.


Thanks, DScott55


  1. User avater
    purduemom | | #1

    I know I have an old McCall's pattern for a counterchange smocked dress I made for my daughter. I will dig it out tomorrow and refresh my memory as it has been A LONG TIME since I have done this. I can email you a scanned copy of the directions from the pattern if you would like.

    1. DScott55 | | #2

      WOW that would be awesome..........I have looked at books from the library but they are more for the advanced smockers I believe, of course if they can make the first stitch they have me beat.

      Thanks again, Denise

      1. User avater
        purduemom | | #3

        Sorry for the delay in getting the directions to you...too many boxes of old patterns :) You should get the email today! Hope it helps!

    2. wasanthi | | #5

      I would like to see your smoking patterns . Please e-mail me your creations . Thank you.

    3. msbuzz | | #6

      Counterchange instructions

      I know this is an old post, but could I get this info?



      1. sewchris703 | | #8

        This is what i got when I googled counterchange smocking instructions.  It was the first site on the list.  http://postcardsfromwildwood.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/how-to-do-counterchange-smocking/


    4. msbuzz | | #7

      Counterchange instructions

      I know this is an old post, but could I get this info?



  2. User avater
    Becky-book | | #4

    use the ADVANCED SEARCH feature and use counterchange as the key word and you should get the discussion from a few years ago when I discovered it. I think I posted some photos too.


This post is archived.

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