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Deciding on a new machine

Karen2 | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Today was to be my final test drive on a new Pfaff sewing machine. I had had one previous drive. My thoughts were that model 2056 would fit my needs. After a close look at that machine I found that the screen was difficult to read and needed more font definition. Also I note that the light in the machine created a good deal of heat. The Quilt Expression, model number 2046, lacked a few of the features of the 2056 but was still a very viable machine for me and the screen was very easy to read. I’m wondering if any readers have thoughts on these machines? I’m hoping to hear replies soon. Just getting very anxious to conclude this buying and hope to do so tomorrow or the next day. Thanks again. Your previous responses on the Viking sensor have led me thus far. Thank you for all of the previous replies. Karen


  1. KarenW | | #1

    Couple considerations.... the light in the 2046 is the same as that in the 2056.  I'm not denying that you felt more heat from the latter (did you sew on it longer perhaps?), but the bulbs used for either model are the same.   Was the readability of the screen due to contrast?  That can be adjusted on the 2056, I believe you go into the context menu to do it (it's not the most obvious way to do it and I sometimes need a refresher when I have to adjust for someone!).   The 2046 is an excellent  high end sm without going to a tol non embroidery machine.  Though very fully featured, the things it "lacks" (I hate to say lacks because there's so much it HAS!) vs. the 2056 -- 6mm vs. 9mm stitch width, fewer alphabets, a smaller stitch package, smaller screen, the 2056 also has a knee lift, programmable presser foot lift, patchwork program (program for specific seam length), may be others, that's just what I'm remembering off the top of my head.   Of course there's always the option (based on your dealer's policy) to get the 2046 and upgrade later!

    1. Karen2 | | #2

      The 2056 screen did lack contrast even with the adjustments made by the salesperson. It seemed strange not to be able to correct this problem. The heat emitted from the light is pretty hot. I was told that there was not a choice in light bulbs. I'm more into sewing garments and home stuff then sewing in other mediums. Embroidery machines are interesting, but I doubt that I would, at least at this time in my life, have the patience or the time required to be successful. The same holds true for quilting, but quilting might be something of interest in the future. The 2046, although apparently designed for quilting, seems to be a very simple and direct machine for all types of sewing. I want to apply premade cording to fabric. I'm wondering if a special foot would be necessary other then the zipper foot supplied with the machine? Another question comes to mind. The quilter's toolbox is being offered for around two hundred dollars. I wonder if this is something to consider particularly since a table extension is included? Thank you so very much for replying and I hope you will have the time to answer more of my questions. Karen

      1. Teaf5 | | #3

        Oh, wow, two hundred dollars for an sewing machine accessory? That's more than my whole machine cost, and I do everything from upholstery to quilting to fine fabrics on it!I am not familiar with the models you are testing, but I'd recommend against any that bothered you while you were test-driving them. Just as noisy people in a theatre become intolerable as the movie goes on, an small irritant in a sewing machine will become a monster when you are working on a large, long, challenging project. You might want to check a different brand or different model before making such a big purchase. Let us know what you decide.

        1. Karen2 | | #4

          You're right. Two hundred dollars is a bundle. The tool box does include two items that I feel necessary and when I asked if there was any wiggle room in the price of the machine plus the tool box I was told a hundred dollars would be taken off. I've pretty much made up my mind on the Pfaff 2046. The saleslady is super helpful and I feel very comfortable buying from her. I just wish the prices of the machines were more easily accessible. Manufacture suggested prices are shown at the shop, but that is all you have to go on. I am really relying on the salesperson and she has been most cooperative. I had intended to pick up the machine this afternoon, but I was unable to do so because of a later then usual meeting. I have also taken time to investigate sites pertaining to machine reviews that have been suggested in recent posts. These, too, have been most helpful. Hopefully, tomorrow will be the buying day. Karen

          1. KarenW | | #5

            Sounds like you zeroed in on the right model for you!  Though the 2046 says "quilt expression", a lot of machine makers these days are throwing in some specialty quilting stitches then renaming the machine something with the word quilt to attract that audience - truth be told before they did that on this model and it was a 2042 or 2040 before that, it was still an outstanding machine for general sewing!  As for your cording, depends on the width.  There are some new feet that came out last summer, one was a piping or welting foot (you could check on the Pfaff site) that may be helpful, but again depends on the size.  I also use the "knit edge foot" for thick cording I wanted to stitch over. If it's a really fine cording either of these may be too big though. Enjoy your new machine!

          2. Karen2 | | #6

            Yup, I did it. Just picked up the 2046 plus the tool kit. I did look at the different feet, but think at this time I will just a get a feel for what is included. Everything is still boxed and after completing some necessary work I will spend the evening going over the manual. Many years ago sewing machines seemed designed for stretch fabric and the new thing now is quilting, but on both mediums there is a basic machine for use on most things. I'm excited and do appreciated all of your input which has been most helpful. Karen

          3. midnitesewer | | #7

            Congratulations on your new Pfaff. You can find help and advice on the pfaff-talk website. It is not affiliated with Pfaff. It's a great place to talk to other Pfaff owners.




          4. Karen2 | | #8

            Thank you for that site. What a treat that will be. I did bring it up, but will have to spend a little more time investigating navigating around it. Sounds like you are Pfaff owner, too. Lucky us!

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