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Conversational Threads

Embroidered Flowers in 3D

Cherrypops | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

Hi everyone,

These 3d flowers- Confederate Rose –  http://www.pams3ddesigns.com/ were made and photographed by our talented member pc3.

I am posting these on her behalf due to her slow computer:  Time-out issues on dial-up.






  1. Crazy K | | #1

    Absolutely stunning!!!  Thanks for sharing.

    1. solosmocker | | #2

      Gorgeous flowers. Its clear a great deal of work went into this embroidery.Thanks for sharing.Unrelated to the flowers: PC3 I have dialup and use to have the same problem. One hour later and my pic still wasn't uploaded. It can be solved with the download of an image resizer if you haven't tried that yet. Just a thought and if you need more info just PM me. Flowers are wonderful.

      Edited 4/20/2007 11:01 pm ET by solosmocker

      1. Cherrypops | | #3

        Thanks for suggesting the Image Resizer.

        Pc3 emailed me the photos which were of a good size and I was able to upload them.

        They are lovely flowers.


        1. pc3 | | #4

          Thank You for doing that for me. I hate dial up but I live in the country and can't get a DSL or any other high speed. So every time I want to send something out I have to take my lap top out to somewhere usually about 30 minute drive, and get on somewhere. When I sent these to you I was in the parking lot of a motel, hooking on to their wireless. Thanks again, I appreciate it.PC3

          1. MaryinColorado | | #6

            They are lovely designs.  Thanks for sharing.  Mary

          2. Cherrypops | | #8

            You are welcome pc3. Everyone is enjoying viewing your work. Cherrypops

      2. pc3 | | #5

        Thanks for the suggestion. I would appreciate some more info on that. Every time I have to send something I have to drive 30 miles or hope it goes through before I get the time out message. I hate slow Internet.PC3

        1. solosmocker | | #9

          Hi, PC3. I was going to email you on this but thought others could possibly use this info as well. I have only dialup up here in the Adirondacks and no future for anything else. We are in just too remote an area. On another sewing board I frequent it would take me sometimes up to an hour to post one pic or not get it posted at all. It was very frustrating. Then someone put me on to this link at Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspxIf you click on the link then scroll down on the right to the image resizing download and click, you will be on your way to easy and qucik posting of your pics. Download the software and whenever you take a pic that you want to upload to a site, open that picture, right click, and then click on image resizer. I use the medium size and have found no problem. Click on that and you will see your photo will appear again in your picture file, but it will say "medium". That is the one you want to download. Now I can load pics in a minute or two with my dialup thanks to this software download. If you have any more questions just email me. Hope this helps some others out there who have had trouble posting pics. Our super digital cameras now take such high resolution photos that many sites don't accept the large sizes. Glad to help.

          1. Cherrypops | | #10

            I initially had troubles uploading pics. size / internet connection were not an issue. I am running windows xp and my 'cookies' were not enabled for this site. this prohibited any pics being posted. all fixed now. just another point to consider if having troubles uploading. Cherrypops 

  2. georgiagg | | #7

    I am absolutly drullllling!  I so want to do these flowers for vest that I have made of men's old ties.  Am working on the process and will post pics as soon as I get the right stablizer!

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