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Found a Husky in a thrift shop…

Rabia | Posted in General Sewing Info on

A Husqvarna 2000, for, get this-TWENTY DOLLARS.Model 6440. BUT. It DOESN’T have a foot pedal OR a cord. No instruction manual, either. But it DOES look to be in near-mint condition (with a collection of tube-shaped cams and snap-on feet) No wear marks on the arm/throat plate. Now the question is WHERE do I go about looking for replacements for the missing bits? Any advice, fellow sewers? I have already written to Husqvarna, but in case they say “Sorry, can’t help you”, where are the BEST places to look on the Net for sewing-machine bits? Oh,. and I will also be checking with the local sewing-machine repair shop, as well; I just found it today and didn’t have a chance to drop by there yet. Thanks for any info in advance.


  1. Palady | | #1

    For a manual - a search will bring up sevral sites. One I've use successfully is -


    You mention "writing" HQ/V. If you meant e-mail, then you have the company's USA URL. You should be able to find a dealer near you to try & locate a foot control/cord.

    You mention getting to your local repair shop. I'd say do so ASAP.

    Let us know how it goes please.


  2. stillsuesew | | #2

    Find a local Viking dealer. They salvage all kinds of stuff from machines too old to resell. Where are you located?

    1. Rabia | | #3

      Thank you, fellow sewers for your help! I have already located a pedal, a cord and the manual! That didn't take long! BUT there is a BIIIG PROBLEM. I do not have paypal or credit cards or anything, and SewUSA only does mail order INSIDE the US of A. (I am CANADIAN) Wahhhh! I wrote back asking if it was carved in stone that they did not mail outside the USA but have not yet received an answer. This is when I wish I had American friends!

      But I took a close look at the machine today before I bought it; it looks practically MINT CONDITION. The throat plate and surrounding metal is completely SHINY and NEW-LOOKING; the machine looks like it was used only once or twice! It's a bit dirty, but it's also over 30 years old, so I guess that's allowed! One of the lids for the wraparound case is missing, but I think I could find something to cover it. I don't know how many of those odd tube-shaped multi-cams are supposed to be there, but there are about 4 in the box, anyway, and some snap-on feet. Tomorrow I will pick it up, and take it over to the machine shop to get tested to see if it is working properly...

      1. Palady | | #4

        Positive progress to a degree!! A consideration for the manual - try searching. At one time some of the sites offered the option of downloading. If you find one might this help?


  3. Sancin | | #5

    Where is Canada are you? Finding a dealer is a good idea, The older the business the better and sometimes old time independent repair businesses are the way to go. There is a shop in my northern small city that is a man's garage that looks rather run down, but as he has been in business for what seems like forever he has parts for every machine known to man. Try your yellow pages or ask sewing friends about sewing machine repair shops.

  4. Rabia | | #6

    Boohoo, I took it to the repair shop to have it looked at, and the guy told me the "pattern gear" was SHOT; it's the gear that drives the stitch patterns. He tells me this was the usual problem with this model of machine; I'm sure that if the gear had been originally made of METAL instead of PLASTIC, this might have made a difference to the DURABILITY, but then, how would they get to GOUGE people for $150 for a NEW GEAR?

    And that's just for the GEAR...I am told the gear CHANGE will set me back another $100. >sigh< Now I know why they say "Giving someone the gears"! Ah well, I will look for the manual on-line anyway, and maybe someday when I have $250 to burn, I will get it fixed! Thank you all for your help!

    1. Palady | | #7

      Oh what an unfortunate turn of events for you!!! Sadly, the price you've been quoted is "now." There's a possiiblity this will be higher when your budget takes you to the point action on the doing. It might be the sort of thing the older the machine the more problematic is the replacement.


  5. Rabia | | #8

    Well, further developments...there is another sewing machine repair guy in town, and HE thinks the problem may simply be a jammed pattern dial. I think he may well be right. This machine simply hasn't enough mileage on it to have a"'worn out patterning gear". While it's not new-new, it certainly is VERY "gently used". The throat plate and other parts, the thread take up, etc, is perfectly shiny, with no sign of the wear that you get when a machine arm has had lots of fabric sliding over it, and there is hardly any lint in the bobbin case, which itself looks virtually UNUSED. I've been second-hand shopping for a long time, so I know what to look for, and what initially attracted me was the fact that this machine looked so new, despite being over 30 years old. The only thing that may be a problem is RUST. I notice that the rods that carry the needle and the foot are somewhat rusty. Not a lot, mind you, but it's there..

        It will cost me $30 to have the machine "diagnosed' properly, and it is then credited to the repair bill if I decide to go ahead. This other guy also works out of his home, not like the first guy, who has a fancy shop proper in the downtown core, and a correspondingly higher overhead. I also didn't like the way First Guy immediately suggested a very expensive repair might be necessary; I mean, how would I know if the patterning gear REALLY was the problem? It would be VERY easy to SAY he had changed it and charge accordingly! The second guy also said that if the patterning dial didn't turn, that meant it was likely JAMMED, and that is a simple problem that is nothing to do with the patterning gear! Also, that yes, the gear may well need to be replaced on this model at some point, but generally only ONCE in a machine's lifetime! Seeing as how the bobbin case and the throat plate and the rest of the machine is all practically in mint condition, I can hardly see how a GEAR could already be "worn out" inside!

    1. KharminJ | | #9

      Hooray for the 'second opinion'!!

      ... and even if the jammed gear isn't the only problem, sounds like you're way ahead with Second Guy!

      Bright Blessings and Happy sewing soon


    2. Palady | | #10

      Repeated Applause for you getting a second opinion!!!!   A very astute decision.  And - it's grand for you to post where things stand in your effort.   Continue please to let us know your progress.


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