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Conversational Threads

funky felted bag

dayenu | Posted in Photo Gallery on

some one said it lookoed like an alien life form. I guess that’s why we all have different taste. maybe i should trim the side threads more? add beads?


Edited 9/9/2007 12:35 pm by dayenu


  1. solosmocker | | #1

    I think the bottom part of the bag needs something happening. Everything is going on at the top. Maybe fringe or beads on the bottom edge? Otherwise, I am in awe of your skills and think this is quite wonderful as is.

    1. User avater
      dayenu | | #3

      i removed the horizontal extension threads and added them to the vertical stuff ( which also lets the felt button keep it closed better.) I think it looks a little less alien.

      It is lined in white dupioni silk. I think I will actually use it for evenings.

      Again, thanks for the feedback.

      1. solosmocker | | #4

        I like this better, but again, so special to begin with. solo

  2. Ralphetta | | #2

    What would you think of something vertical as a fastener, instead of what you have?  I'm thinking of something that echoes the little "lines" I see.  Maybe something pendant-like that would hang down against the unadorned bottom half?  just a thought.

  3. rodezzy | | #5

    I love the originallity of the bag.  When it is filled it will look more like a bag.  But honestly, designer bags are more than often very unusual and people pay mega bucks for bags now.  The wierder the better.  If you like your design and are satisfied with it, let your creativity flow on!

  4. user-51823 | | #6

    i think it looked cute with all the funky threads in the original photo.
    my only 2 offerings are:

    1) the body of the bag looks too plain because it's relatively large and white. if it's not going to be decorated more, it would look better in a dark color, but that's just a matter of opinion.

    2) more bothersome to me- and no offense, i'm serious- the felt 'button' looks just like a tampon.
    either make one in another color, or another style- like layered circles of felt.

    Edited 9/16/2007 6:18 pm ET by msm-s

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