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fusible residue

undecided | Posted in General Discussion on

Does anyone know how to remove the residue from fusible interfacing after peeling it off? I’m turning a wool coat for my mom and the fronts were interfaced with fusible. It peeled off easily but left bits of the adhesive behind on the wrong side, which is now to be the right side. Is there a way to get this off without damaging the wool fabric?


  1. alotofstitches | | #1

    I'd try pressing (same method as for fusing) a scrap fabric over the residue.  Hopefully, the residue will stick to the fabric leaving the wool clean.  You also might call the interfacing company and talk to customer service for help.  They are very helpful.

  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    I always use a thin cotton fabric and a warm iron to reverse the fusing process, but it doesn't always work completely.

    I've had some success using duct tape; firmly press the tape onto the wool, then peel back slowly.  If the residue is more embedded in the fibers, sometimes it can be sanded with a very fine sandpaper, taking care not to damage the wool (test this first in an inconspicuous spot).

    If you can't remove the residue completely, you might want to add a contrasting top layer to the top of the fronts; you could even do some quilting or embellishment that would make the coat more interesting.

    1. undecided | | #3

      Thanks for the suggestions. I tried the duct tape first and it did take off some of the residue but still left quite a bit. Then I tried pressing a scrap of muslin over it and peeling that off and it really got most of it. It will take repeated applications, but I think its going to work. I also liked your suggestion of adding an accent piece over it and I thought that would be a great solution if the others didn't work. In any case, mom will be so happy to get her favorite coat back! I just hope I can get it done before winter sets in!

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