I am working on my daughter’s wedding dress and am having fits with the insertion of godets. I’m putting three different patterns together and they are playing well with each other but the godets are an idea borrowed from a fourth pattern. Does anyone know of a web video or similar photos in a book that I could look at? I know if I see it done properly, I could figure out what I’m doing wrong. Mine are quite “poofy” at the point of the inserted ones. The one added at the seam is perfect.
I am using lined lace, no sequins or beading, just lace.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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jpadden53, I Googled "How to insert godets" and got, among other, the following results. I hope these help.
on the last one, go to pages 108 and 109. You can magnify the text so it is readable, too.
Thanks so much for these options, however, page 109 is not available in the preview of the book and that is the part I need. I've also looked at the other two previously and they are missing the all important pics. I've been sewing for the past 45 years and know what I'm doing "behind the wheel" in most instances. I have made everything from play shorts to prom dresses and dance costumes for my girls since they were little. I guess I've never done godets before though and am having difficulty figuring out what I'm doing wrong to make them not lie flat at the insertion point. I'm not having trouble with the inserting in the seam one...just the inserting into the split fabric without the benefit of the seam. My option now is to do a lot of hand basting before I stitch on the machine. Again, thanks for your time.
Well, heck. Page 109 showed up on my preview. One of the vagaries of the internet, no doubt. Let's try this one:
http://tinyurl.com/66jbgcI hope it will allow you to go to pages 99, 100, and 101.
I've never sewn a godet into just a slash where there is no seam, but my first reaction was that there needed to be some stabilization on that slashed fabric, and this article bears that out.
Here are the results of my query to Google. You may find other entries that will help you. I think there were over 20,000 results, but, of course, only a scant few will be germane to your question.http://tinyurl.com/5see63
Keep us posted and let us see the results.
Two things come to mind: it's important to clip the top of the main fabric (where the point of the godet will end) before beginning to seam, and the width of the godet needs to be adjusted for the thickness or hand of the fabric. With a lining, the lace may be thicker or less drapey than the main fabric. This might make it bloom when inserted. Clipping the seams before sewing allows the fabric to be more easily manipulated so it will lay flatter when finished. Good luck.
thanks...I'll work very carefully at the tip. I think I've figured out that the seam allowance at the tip of the godet has to be tapered to the point instead of the absolute same all the way up. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.
Hi.I'm wondering how the godets are coming along since your last posting.
I am under deadline to get a queen size quilt finished for a show and will finish it within a couple of weeks. My daughter will be coming home at Thanksgiving so I need to have the dress ready for that fitting.
I was working on a practice dress when i posted before so...to make a long story short, I've not worked on them since my posting. I do intend to finish it though and wil post the pic when finished.
It's nice to know someone is interested...thanks.
Funny, just this afternoon I had a client who requires me to insert 6 godets in a skirt! This happened after I'd read your last post - now I have another reason to be interested in the technique, so I'll be reading again through the other posts on this topic. If I come up with any additional observations I'll let you know, as this has to be done inside the next fortnight.You say you have until Thanksgiving - that's late November I think? I'm in the UK, but like the idea of Thanksgiving - we used to have a little family one with French Onion soup as the special dish when our children were smaller! We've no real American connections so please forgive this travesty! I wonder how you sewing sisters spend that day.
We Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in mid October. Nothing wrong with having a Thanking Celebration of any sort. Lots to be thankful for, and the people you care for around you, eating food you like, sounds like a good excuse for a party anyways. Cathy
I think it's cool that you set aside a family day for thanksgiving, even though the UK doesn't have an official holiday. The US Thanksgiving was first proposed by Abraham Lincoln, I believe. Our oldest daughter's best friend and roomie in college was Canadian as were the guys in the apartment next door to them, so our Susan used to make Thanksgiving dinner for all of them in October. Since Thanksgiving dinner is her favorite meal of the whole year, she loved this because she got to have it twice each year.
I spend my Thanksgiving Day with my entire family (fortunately, they all live close by) at either a daughter's house or a DIL. I make the pies. We used to have everyone at our house but I have gladly let the next generation take over.
Irritates me that Wal-Mart can't be closed on Thanksgiving. I think that they may also be open on Christmas. No wonder families can not spend time together with so many people working retail.
Celebrate with your family simply because you are thankful for them.
I know it irritates you to see Wal Mart open on Thanksgiving, but I would like to share with you a small (now) piece of my life that made me happy that a few stores did not close on the holidays. It was during the Viet Nam years when my husband was on deployment and I was left home with small children and no money to fly home to mama. I bundled them up and we spent a few hours shopping at the mall. Most stores were closed but my favorite, Sears, was not and it was a joy viewing all the Christmas decorations, especially the animated windows, with the children enjoying it as much as I did. I came home and didn't miss the family Thanksgiving gathering I knew was happening 3000 miles away near as much. It seemed like just another day. So, I was Thankful for Sears and the Mall.
As a registered nurse, the years I worked always had to include the Holidays! During nurse's training I had to work every Christmas because my parents lived in the town where the hospital was and the out of town girls needed to go home. All service people have to deal with working on holidays and I know they would much rather stay home and celebrate too, but it's not possible. Working is not so bad because there is usually a more festive air in the workplace and I just want to say that working in a place like Wal Mart could bring a little joy or happiness into someone else's life on the holiday just like nursing, etc. does.
You are so right about service people working during holidays. As the wife of a firefighter (37 years on duty) and the mother of a peace officer (12 years), I can attest to that. Santa comes at strange times to the homes of these heroes. We happily adjusted our schedules to accommodate necessity. One Christmas my DH was on duty, my son and I went to the cemetery and cleaned head and foot stones of our family and the family of some close friends who could not bear to visit the graves yet. Then we put fresh flowers on all of them. It felt good -- and right.
I certainly did not intend to offend you or anyone else with my comment about people working on holidays. My daughter is a RN and she worked today (Labor Day) and will work Christmas. My mother was a RN also and she worked many holidays (particularly Christmases) so that the younger RNs could be home with their children. I know that many people have to work on holidays so that the rest of us can be taken care of. I am sure that other people work holidays because of the extra money or they are required to to keep their job. It just seems a shame that businesses can't forget about the almighty dollar for a few hours. My apologies if I did offend someone.
You did not offend me! Your comment just made me think about how much our world is changing and whether or not that is for the good is always questionable. I was just trying to point out that working on the holiday is not the worst predicament and maybe we should just be thankful the Wal Mart employee can come home to a nice Thanksgiving meal, prepared by someone else. Maybe?
Oh, NO! No offense taken. I really was just running down memory lane. To accommodate my service worker DH, we changed celebratory days often, as my DIL has learned to do. Please don't think your comments were offensive. They were not.
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