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Hemming Skirts

TzipiGlick | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hello everyone- Should one sew a strip of interfacing along the hemine of all/most skirts. I’ve had the problem of having  the bottom of my skirts fold up as I walk- this is esp true when they are striaght skirts that come righrt below the knee. Will sewing the interfacing give the bottom of the skirt extra body to prevent that? And what if the skirt is very light weight fabric?


Also Sandra Betzina recommends tieing knots every 4 inches when hemming. Does that mean cutting the thread and starting again or just knotting the thread and continuiung with the same thread?


Thanks for any help you can offer



  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    You could add interfacing in the hem, or seamsgreat if the fabric is sheer might help.  In the straight skirts, are you making a deeper hem? 

    1. TzipiGlick | | #8

      How deep should I make the hem in a straight skirt? Thanks


      1. Ralphetta | | #9

        the books I have, say 2 1/2" for a straight skirt. 

      2. MaryinColorado | | #12

        I would consider the fabric weight, length of the skirt, the depth of a kick pleat in back (or does it have side slit?).  I had a lined wool skirt with about a six inch hem and a four inch kick pleat in the back.  I have long long skirts with side slits that I have put a minimal 1/2 inch hem in, and even one with a rolled hem that is probably more of an A line.    Hope this helps, maybe you can check out ready made skirts that are similar and find what is right for you.  Mary

  2. suesew | | #2

    I think she knots it without cutting each time. This just keeps it all from coming undone it you happen to rip out a hem somehow.
    I haven't had the problem of the skirts turning up. How big a hem are you using?

    Edited 3/31/2007 7:35 pm by suesew

  3. solosmocker | | #3

    Hems are interfaced to prevent the fabric from making "points" as you move in the skirt, not so much to keep the skirt from turning up. The interfacing "rounds" off the edge and gives a prettier finish to skirts with normal size hems. The interfacing is in the hem part,not the skirt, and maybe a quarter inch past the fold into the skirt and that gives it the nice turn.
    Are these skirts lined? I am thinking a lining that is anti static might help keep the skirt down.

  4. JanF | | #4

    it might be that the hem is turning because the fabric is not actually on the straight grain?

    1. solosmocker | | #6

      Jan, I think you just hit BINGO. That makes a lot of sense.

    2. TzipiGlick | | #7

      It is a cordoroy. It is on the straight grain. It's a simple striaght skirt. Noone has had this problem??? BecauseI've actually had it on several short straight skirts I've made. I always thought it was because 1) I didn't weight the hem  or 2) the length I made fell right below the knee and therefore banged my leg as I walked and flipped up.

      But it seems you're saying this shouldn't happen on a normal straight skirt?





      1. JanF | | #10

        This has happened to me before now and usually the fabric either a) wasn't on the straight grain or b)didn't have enough of a hem allowance -the trend for small overlocked hems in RTW I think encourages this - I would try to use at least a 2.5cm hem - often more on a straight skirt and also c) in my case!! - straight skirts are not much good for my body shape - big hips and often bigger thighs so straightness of a skirt is not necessarily a good look for me anyway and usually sitting down encourages the hem to "pop" upwards - or occassionally stick inwards when I was walking - sort of "glueing" the skirt hem to my legs!!
        Not flattering at all and really annoying after the hard work of sewing!
        In fact I rarely make myself a straight skirt these days - prefering to use A line or bias cut.
        Also it can be soooo easy to attach interfacing that is not on the grain as well into the hem - and then it just makes it worse............in my opinion anyway - but proffessional dressmakers might be able to suggest a foolproof method - will watch the thread!

      2. Teaf5 | | #11

        I'm wondering if the hem might be flipping because you are stitching the hem with the skirt turned inside out? While hemming a jacket sleeve last week, I noticed a significant pulling of the turned up part when I turned the sleeve inside out to hand stitch it. So I left it right side out, and reached in to do the stitching, and didn't have any pulling, twist, or turn up. Especially since your skirt is corduroy and straight, the turned up part of the hem will have to stretch significantly if you turn it inside out for hemming. (On a flared skirt, the turn-up would be slightly bigger because of the flare.) Attaching the two layers while they're in this position may lead to the flipping when turned right side out.

  5. Ralphetta | | #5

    I'm puzzled.  I don't think I've ever encountered that problem, unless maybe it was a knit.  Is this a knit or jersey fabric?

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