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Conversational Threads

It’s Me

rodezzy2 | Posted in Photo Gallery on

Picture of me at Red Affair, Line Dancing party.  “No” I did not make my outfit, but the picture was so nice, I had to share it with you ladies.  I guess I’m a little vain….giggle.  Sorry it’s so big, my internet connection kept quitting on me and I forgot to resize it down.  Hope there’s no problem, except my big fat head in the screen….giggle.

Edited 4/27/2009 8:56 pm ET by rodezzy2


  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    That is the kind of picture I would want to share too! You look smashing! :) Cathy

    1. Josefly | | #2

      All that beautiful, glorious red. Great photo. Must've been a fun party.

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #4

        I had a great time.

    2. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #3

      Thanks, red is a good color on me.  The next party we wear white, in May.

  2. katina | | #5

    Fabulous Rodezzy - thanks for sharing. Red's always been my favorite color!


    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #6

      Hey there my friend, I know you love lots of color. 

      1. katina | | #7

        Bedtime for you! I'm about to tackle a bunch of sewing UFOs that are cluttering up my workspace and my mind.


  3. MaryinColorado | | #8

    woohoo!  hot momma!  You look fantastic!  You look great in red and I love your jewelry too.  Hope you had a super fun night!  Mary

  4. GailAnn | | #9


    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #10

      Yea, that picture was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too big.  My ego isn't quite that big....giggle.

      1. fabricholic | | #11

        Great picture! I love the red, also.

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #12


  5. Gloriasews | | #13

    That's a lovely picture of a lovely lady.  You look great!  Thanks for sharing.  Tell us about the dress you're wearing - it looks like a wrap.  The colour looks wonderful on you, too.


    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #14

      Thank you.  You are so sweet to this old woman.  I hope I don't seem big headed sending the picture, I just wanted to share a decent picture of me.  I don't photograph very well. 

      It's a mock surplice top and what we used to call a "middy" skirt.  (to the calf).  giggle. 

      1. Gloriasews | | #15

        No, you're not big-headed!  That really is the best picture you've shown of yourself, & all the others were good, too, so I don't think you have to worry about not taking a good picture.  You always look good!  The dress is very pretty.  Are all the other ladies also wearing the same shade of red?  It looked almost like that, but different styles, of course.  It looked like a fun party.  Keep those pics coming.


  6. sewelegant | | #16

    I finally viewed the picture you sent!  AND I would like to share with everyone who is not as computer savvy as we'd like to be how I stumbled on to how to view it without a lot of frustrating manipulation.  I decided to "copy" the icon to a WORD page instead of opening the picture first like I usually do and this is what happened.



    Right Click on the ICON (hyberlink?)

    Left click on Copy

    Paste to a Microsoft Word page

    Right Click on the icon

    Click on open hyberlink


    View picture!


    This may be how all you others have been doing it for years, but I am self taught and it takes awhile to figure some things out and I've never had anyone say to do it this way.


    It's a great picture.  You have a wonderful group of friends to do things with... line dancing, it sounds like fun.  Will be looking for the May picture.  I somehow, imagined a line dancing party to be more casual or do you always have different themes?


    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #17

      Thanks.  There are many different line dance groups all over the city, and they all have there own style.  Once a month on the fourth Wednesday we have a casual dance party at Buffet City Restaurant. It's $15.00 for all-you-can-eat Asian and American buffet plus all non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.  We have different themes, but they are not required to be dressy.  Like the one this month will be "white pants".  Last month it was "country western".  In March it was "wear something green".  So, it varies.  The "Red Affair" and "White Affair" are special, more formal sit down dinner affairs, giving us an event to dress up for.  It's $45.00 per ticket. 

      There are other groups, but I stick to this one basically.  They went on a cruise at the end of last month.

      There's another lady party promoter that has started a once a month on the fourth Sunday from 4-9 that is whatever you want to wear.  Casual attire.

      And actually, I personally don't know very many of the women.  The lady that took the picture is the one who got me started and she is from my quilt guild.  I know Ms. Georgia who is the teacher and organizer of these parties because I go to her class off and on, and I see some of the class participants, but don't know them personally.  Just to speak to.  I sit with them and know the people I've been sitting with on Wednesdays. 

    2. Sancin | | #18

      An easier way is to right click on the picture and click view.

  7. Ceeayche | | #19

    Mary in Colorado said it best:  Hot Mama!!! 

    Work that red! You look wonderful!

    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #20

      Thanks dear lady.

This post is archived.

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