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queenesther | Posted in General Sewing Info on

 I need a tip on how to make seams on a jacket appear as though its one piece of fabric instead of two.  I pressed the seam open, from the inside, but when I press the jacket on the right side, the seam rolls and it appears as thought its never been pressed to lay flat as one piece.  This is on the front and around the collar.


  1. HeartFire | | #1

    What type of fabric?

    1. queenesther | | #2

      Its a suiting fabric of gabardine

      1. HeartFire | | #3

        Is the problem that the seams are rolling up on the inside and not laying flat? there may be a couple of things you can do to fix this. Do the seams need to be clipped over curved areas? this can casue some rolling. you can take a narrow strip of fusible interfacing (a little narrower than the width of the seams) and iron it over the seam allowances (covering both seams allowances as one) some times this will hold them down without adding any real weight to the finish. or you may need to fuse them down either with a fusible web or use a little fusible interfacing here and there to sort of tack them down - Just test this carefully first to make suer it won't show on the right side.
        you may also be able to invisibly sew them down very loosely - if its a wool gaberdine you can probably manage to get a way with this.
        Hope this helps, and that I've understood your question
        Judy - Oh, and if it is wool, make sure you press, steam and use a clapper - that will really flatten the seams better

        1. queenesther | | #4

          Judy, thank you so much for your expert opinion.  I have many of the pressing tools, but I have never purchased this one.  Will pick it up this weekend and I'm sure it will make the difference.

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