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jacket with a flounced or soft ruffle

ElenaYDesigns | Posted in Talk With Us on

I am looking for information on the best way to add a flounce or soft ruffle on the front edge, neck and sleeves of a jacket. I have been unable to find a pattern that has these features. I have found articles in “Threads” about doing this on the bottom of a skirt, but have seen nothing to help me do the jacket.

I would appreciate any help.


  1. mem1 | | #1

    I guess that i would cut a facing pattern as deep as you want the frill to be and including the front edge and around the neck in one piece with a join at the center back, then open up your pattern to the stitching line in a series of wedge shapes and spread the pattern to the degree of fullness that you want then redraw the pattern and there you have it . You would need to clip the seam after the flounce has been inserted into the seam between the facing and the jacket . The spacing of these clips will determin the number of waves in the frill so be careful when youdo this . I would suggest a trial run in a fabric of similar weight and behaviour . The sleeve frill is the same principle . You need to mark the grainline in the initial flat non spread pattern and maintain that on the grainline .


  2. Elisabeth | | #2

    A nice flounce for trim is a strip of fabric cut in a circle or part of a circle and opened up. The outer edge will need to be finished or hemmed. There is no gathering at the edge of the flounce sewn to the garment but the outer edge ripples nicely.

    A straight strip cut either on grain or bias needs to be gathered at the edge sewn to the garment creating a ruffle, a pretty look too but different from a flounce.

    You can easily make your own of either one and insert it between the garment front and facings. On the sleeves and jacket bottom you would need to make the hem a facing instead of a fold so that you can sew the flounce or ruffle in between.

    1. User avater
      ElenaYDesigns | | #3

      Thanks for responding to my query. I have heard of doing a flounce by starting with a circle for the bottom of a skirt, but didn't know if this would work at the edge of a jacket.ecyounkins

      1. mem1 | | #4

        what I described is the same as Elizabeth but you end up with a flounce which is made precisely to the jacket.This enables you to have a continuous flounce going around the neck and down the front of the jacket.This would really only work on an edge to edge jacket and the fabric would have to be very fluid and soft.there is a really good desription in Roberta Carrs book on couture sewing

        1. User avater
          ElenaYDesigns | | #5

          I thank you and apprediate all your feedback on my query about flounced jackets. I am new to this forum and am not sure how to use it. I hope I am respondinmg to all those who answered it.ecyounkins

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