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jeans into skirt

user-94787 | Posted in General Discussion on

I am searching for a “how to” make jeans into a skirt, using gussets on the side seams as well as in the center seams  .  Can anyone steer me to the correct link?  Saw the directions once, but could not copy at the time.  Would appreciate any help. 


  1. flytootall | | #1

    Luveta Nickels has several books on "Junk Jeans."  I don't have a web site, but the address from one of her books is RR3, Box 105, Clark, SD  57225

    1. user-94787 | | #2

      Thank you for the information.  Will write to her to find out if she has the instructions I am looking for. 


  2. marijke | | #3

    You can find instructions for making jeans into a skirt on the pages of the Home Sewing Association, check:


    Hope this helps,


    1. Jean | | #4

      Does anyone besides me think this skirt is less than attractive?

      View ImageIn the first place, why was the waistbandremoved? and then, why isn't the  extra fabric from the crotch seam dealt with?

      It seems to me that the insert could start at the bottom of the fly and more closely parallel the side seams. I don't mind an unfinished hemline, but it seems like it would be more attractive if it were deliberately frayed.  JMNSHO.

      1. FitnessNut | | #5

        Jean, you're absolutely right. It is definitely LESS than attractive.

        I remember when these were all the rage in the mid-70's. We left the crotch seam as is, much like the picture. It really would have made more sense to cut it off and add the insert as you suggest.

        Quite frankly, I don't understand this thing about cutting off the waistband. Yuk! But maybe its just my age talking ;-)

        1. Jean | | #6

          Well you're young enough to be my daughter, so maybe age is not a factor at all. :)

        2. Elisabeth | | #7

          Yep, I would have worn that in the 70's, we would have been so cool! It would have had a waistband though. That cutting off the waistband fad is just about over, isn't it? I tried it early in the fad because I had a nice worn pair of jeans with a high waist band that really was obnoxious. They were quite comfortable when I cut it off, but they wore out and got tossed soon after that experiment. Now that many waisbands are so low anyway, just think what would happen if those waistbands were cut off!

          1. FitnessNut | | #8

            =;-D A mite too revealing for most of us!!!!

            Seriously, did the waistline stretch very much when you cut off the waistband? I would think that that scenario would be the kiss of death for any longevity for the garment. When I see people wearing jeans with a frayed waistline and no band, I have to resist the urge to ask if the waistline is stabilized at all.

          2. Elisabeth | | #9

            The waistband on those jeans was practically up in my arm pits so after the waistband-ectomy the top ended up right below the belly button, not too risque. And yes, the waist did stretch, it was not practical! But comfortable for a few wearings.

            I've wondered about those unstabilized waisbands too. Maybe they had something on the inside. I wish I had thought to investigate when it was all the rage. Probably the pants were to be worn so tight around the bum that they couldn't fall down anyway!!

          3. FitnessNut | | #10

            You're probably right ;-)

          4. SewNancy | | #11

            Dear Elixabeth,

            I made my daughter a jeans skirt with cut off waistband and I used stay tape on the inside to keep it from stretching the stitching also keeps the ravels to a minimum.  You could also use petersham riibon as a facing, and since the desired effect is for the waist to be deconstructed just steam it to shape and sew it on just below the edge on the inside.


          5. Elisabeth | | #12

            Petersham seems like it would be ideal! The jeans I experimented on were so threadbare that it wouldn't have been worth it but I am going to remember petersham for future possible jeans experiments.

          6. SewNancy | | #13

            The waist really does stretch alot.  I had to fix a pair of jeans that my daughter's friend had re and deconstructed for her.  They were too tight so she slit down the sides and added vintage fabric and used pieces to cover holes.  But, she was not very well versed on finishing techniques and they were falling apart.  Also, she did not stabilize the waist and they really stretched out.  I stabilized the waist and used a serger on all the raw seams.  By the way they were both 17 at the time with the bodies to wear pants below their hip bones!


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