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Conversational Threads

Left-Handed Notions

SewShari | Posted in General Discussion on

Can anyone suggest a website or store where I can buy left-handed notions?  I’m looking specifically for a tape measure, rotary cutter, mat and ruler.  I spend so much time laying out fabric to cut, then realize I have to flip it; take a measurement with my tape measure only to realize it’s from the wrong side.  I’ve been left-handed my whole life so one would think I’d figure it out by now but it just doesn’t work for me.  Thanks so much.


  1. sewchris703 | | #1

    I can see a left-handed rotory cutter, like a pair of left-handed scissors.  But how would a left-handed ruler or tape measure be different from a "normal" one?  I flip my tape measure and ruler around to read from left to right or right to left as needed.  And both of them have markings on both sides.  I prefer the side with both standard and metric markings.  Although the ones that have them start from oposite ends of the same side drive me nuts.  I want to read both measurements at the same time so I can decide which one is better at the time.

    Chris; pardon my ignorance.  I'm a rightie who frequently acts as if I'm left handed.

  2. sewchris703 | | #2

    After thinking about your questions for a few days, I found this web site by googling "left handed tape measure".  http://www.leftyslefthanded.com/left_handed_measuring_tools_s/79.htm?gclid=CKm8nfb4p6oCFccbQgodbxyFVQ 

    The first item on the page is for a left handed sewing kit for $120.


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