Christmas is just around the corner. My wife has been looking for some time for a sewing/embroidery machine. I would like to surprise her, but not with a machine that will give her problems.
She has had an Husqvarna (no.1070) for 6 years and is satisfied. She is now looking mostly at the Brother Pacesetter 8500 or the Husqvarna 1+. The Designer 1 is much to expensive.
She is being told not to go with a Japanese machine: apparently they just cannot match the quality of european machines. Yet the 1+ seems a outdated when compared to the 8500.
The price is a big factor: the 8500, with software, is almost 1000$ less than the 1+, and almost half the price of the Designer 1.
So will I get shot if I get her the Brother Pacesetter 8500 ?
Hi Peter-Paul,
I just posted this web site on Eli's Janome query:
They've got pretty good information and really good prices. They'll also give you their opinion on various machines and the dealer claims (like all Bernina machines are made in Switzerland).
I've never owned a Brother sewing machine but I do have a Brother electronic knitting machine with all the gadgets. They make a great product. And... I've heard wonderful things about the Huskies.
*I don't know if I can help you decide which machine - but I have experience in the surprise department :) My best friend's husband "surprised" her with an expensive Elna which wasn't what she wanted and caused her grief from the beginning. From this tale or woe, my husband learned some things when it came time for him to buy me a machine. He had heard me mention, whine about, beg, plead for a new Bernina, so some way he found out exactly what model number I wanted and went to the dealer and wheeled and dealed until he came away with a real reasonable price (took him many visits) and gave me a gift card at Christmas for exactly what I was after. In his words he said it was to get me something I really wanted and I would probably have it for many years and he didn't want to hear complaints about it being the wrong machine. He said he would hate me to buy a tool for him! You are a wonderful man to want to "surprise" her with this great gift and know how important her machines are to her. good luck
*Peter-Paul - There is a discussion athttp://www.sewingworld.comunder Viking for the 1+ and, I think, that there is a Brother folder that might have a discussion on the 8500. (Do not select the Y2K discussions - there is more information on the "old" site.) You can just read the postings to see what has been said about the machines or ask any questions of the posters. Are both machines carried by the same dealer? Maybe you could give your wife a gift certificate and let her chose the machine she wants? Of course, then she would have to wait 2 days to start sewing, but just think of the anticipation!! Also if both machines are carried by the same dealer maybe the dealer would let you put the one under the tree with the option to trade for the other within some specified time frame. Good luck.
*Since the new Designer viking machine was recently introduced you may be able to purchase a #1+ for your wife that was traded in by a sewer upgrading to the Designer. Chances are, someone purchasing the Designer has taken good care of her #1+. You may find the price of the trade in almost $1000 less than new.Perhaps you can work out a deal with the shop that if your wife is not happy with the machine she can return it. she may be harboring a secret desire for a different brand. Sewing machines are very personal things. Perhaps you could surreptitiously find out what machine she'd most like to have (like through a sister or friend).
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