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Conversational Threads

Master Seamstress Sewing Program

NansiM | Posted in General Sewing Info on


This may be helpful to anyone who likes to sew in the RI, Conn., and Mass. areas.  URI offers it’s Continueing Ed. Master Seamstress Program each Fall and this is it’s 19th year!!!  Diane Martin offers a wonderful year long program beginning with a unit on fitting patterns to YOUR measurements and continues on with a tailored blazer made from the basic fitting sloper you’ve just learned how to do.  The final unit covers a wide range of different types of fabrics and info needed to handle them. You choose a project of your choice using one of them.

I took this course several years ago and learned SO much, even after having sewn for 30 years!  Fitting the basic pattern was especially helpful as no others programs that I had taken really did.  Sharing all this with 11 others in the class was great as we watched what happened as EACH of us was fitted properly.  Talk about your light-bulb moments!!

Classes are due to start in a couple of weeks and info about the program did not make it into their usual publicity this time, so there is still room in the program.  There is also a part 2 program with many specific topic offerings lasting one semester each.

If youd like more info, check this out:  http://www.uri.edu/hss/tmd/master seamstress program.htm

I’ve checked out a lot of great info on this gatherings site and mentioned the master seamstress program before and had many questions, so hope this helps even more!


  1. ShannonG4d | | #1

    I couldn't get your link to work, so I did a bit of looking around.  I think this one will work:


    This looks interesting!  I am particularly interesting in knowing what the Threads class is like!


    1. NansiM | | #3

      Shannon,  Thanks for finding another way into the info.  The underlined address should have included the next line and I couldn't figure out how to correct that.  I should find a Master Computer course, maybe??

      Anyhow, I really enjoyed that year and the following one.  There are many other semester or eight week specialty classes to take.  I have a feeling alot of Threads readers will enjoy the unit based on projects detailed in past issues of Threads.  The woman who teaches that unit is also an artist, so the creative aspects are emphasized and even those of us who consider ourselves more utility sewists find that there IS a creative gene lurking around.

      Hope this inspires some of the Gatherings readers to check it out!


      Edited 9/8/2004 10:19 am ET by Nansi

  2. SewNancy | | #2

    Does anyone know about a program like this on Long Island?  I would really love to learn how to fit and use a sloper, but  it seams a bit daunting to do it with a book on my own.


    1. NansiM | | #4

      Nancy,  you might want to check with any local colleges or universities in your area.  Also, check with Parson's in NYC-do they offer any outside satellite courses through an extension program?  They would be the creme de la creme in your neck of the woods!  How awesome would that be!

      Another idea would be to ask at any local fabric shops or machine dealers.  There might be a good, active sewing guild or group who could help.  I've learned (in the middle of my life, finally) to keep asking til you find your answer!  Good Luck,


      1. SewNancy | | #5

        Thanks, I never thought to ask about sewing guilds or groups, everything seems to be about quilting.  I will definitely try your suggestions.


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