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Memory foam to purchase wanted

toomuchtrouble | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I am looking for memory foam to purchase. I want to put it on top of the soles that I use for making slippers to make them extra cushy. Any ideas??


  1. Sancin | | #1

    In my community there is a foam shop. They have large and small pieces and cut to request all types of foam rubber - a lot of stuff I never even knew was available or even made. The memory foam is quite expensive. Check the phone book or on line search for your town. When I wanted some for inner soles I took them out of a cheap pair of shoes that didn't fit well.

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #2

    Check out your local upholstery or upholstery supply places. They often carry many many types and kinds of foam. Cathy

  3. starzoe | | #3

    I think that you would be better served to buy actual insoles. They are meant to be walked on and probably have more "memory" than an upholstery foam. There are many kinds of insoles (in pharmacies) today and you would have a wide choice.

    1. Sancin | | #4

      I just came home from a local store (Marks Workworld) having bought 2 pairs of memory foam inner soles which I will have to cut to my size. I have arthritis in my feet and was constantly moving the one pair I have from one pair of shoes to another, which I expect I will probably still do. The inner soles were $ 16.99 each pair (Canadian). Regular foam rubber inner soles have holes throughout them for air circulation and cost about $2.99.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #5

        Nope, having sore feet is not good. As pricey as they are, good innersoles are going to make those tender tootsies feel soooo great! Just think too, having that many pair is going to make them last that much longer also. I should see about those for my house shoes, they sound lovely. I bought a pair of arch supports, not the custom ones, and cannot believe the difference they made in how I walk and stand. I always had sore feet and knees. I can be on my feet for hours now, and hardly have a problem. Who woulda thunk??? Cathy

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