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Conversational Threads

Nancy’s Notions tv online

MarshaK | Posted in General Sewing Info on

In an e-mail I received from Nancy’s Notions there was a mention of their new Video Streaming Site. It’s at www.sewingwithnancytv.com and has two of her tv shows online available to be viewed at any time. Each show has three parts to it, just like they appear on PBS. The titles are ‘Knits-Easy Fit, East Sew, Part 1, 2 and 3’ and ‘Serge Ahead, Part 1, 2 and 3.’ I think it’s great to be able to watch these shows whenever I want, not when they come on tv, or on the QNN tv site. Not always convenient. Just thought you all would like to know what’s on, I don’t know how long they plan to keep these two shows on, or if there will be any others to replace them. Marsha.


  1. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #1

    Thanks for the info, Marsha.  I used to really enjoy watching "Sewing With Nancy", but my PBS station changed their schedule, and now I'm at work when the show is on.  Good to know that I can check out the videos on the website.

    1. MarshaK | | #5

      The only problem with watching the show online is that you can't start and stop it as you can a VHS tape. But the good thing is that you can pick the time when you want to watch it. Marsha.

  2. Crazy K | | #2

    Thanks for the heads up on that.  I can't always catch the shows.....now I have an option!!



    1. MarshaK | | #6

      I like being able to watch the show whenever I want rather than wait until it comes on as with QNNtv. Wonder how long they'll keep these two shows on before they put new ones on. Marsha.

  3. Minnie63 | | #3

    Yes, thanks from me too! I love watching that show, that is part of my schedule for Saturday mornings. I watch Nancy, Martha and Eleanor Burns, in that order.

    1. MarshaK | | #4

      Glad I could give you the info. Marsha.

  4. Seams | | #7

    Thank you so much for sharing this! Though I haven't been able to get her show on our local PBS station I have seen it in other locations. Now I, too, can be in the know!!

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