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Conversational Threads

Need Help Making Extra Large Buttonholes

cam613 | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I’ve been quilting for years but I’m new to garment sewing.  My machine is a Janome Decor Excel Pro 5124.  The jacket I’m making calls for a 1 1/2″ button, but apparently (according to the manual) my buttonhole attachment only accommodates buttons up to 1″.  What’s the solution to this problem?


  1. stillsuesew | | #1

    You can use another foot - perhaps the satin stitch foot that has some room under it for all the stitching - but you will probably have to mark the ends of your buttonhole so you know where to start and stop.   Most buttonhole feet  simply give you good markings for length.  You can do this with pins or a thread.

  2. Josefly | | #2

    Depending on the fabric you're using for your jacket, you may want an alternative to a large buttonhole, which can sometimes ripple open and not look so pretty.  One way of handling the problem is to use a large decorative button on the outside of your jacket, with a smaller button on the inside, and with the buttonhole installed on the underlap side of your jacket instead of the overlap side; this buttonhole would be the size suitable for your smaller button.  

    Another idea is to use the decorative button on the outside, with a large silk-covered snap installed underneath to provide the actual closure.  The snap covering can be made of a fabric to match or coordinate with your fashion fabric.

    If you decide to go with the large buttonhole, I'd suggest a corded buttonhole to help stabilize the opening so that it doesn't gap open.

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