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New York City garment district

PamQuilter | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I am a quilter and garment sewer who will be taking a class at Quilting By the Lake in July on fabric embellishment/manipulation and jacket making. I have an opportunity to go to NYCity in April to the garment district to get some goodies for this class. Does anyone have a list of “must visit” fabric houses, etc. in that area? Many thanks.


  1. rsew | | #1

    Yes, yes, yes.   look on the following site;


    this site should help you out --I go to NY also to shop garment district fabrics

    Hint-bring along some kind of rolling backpack or rolling duffle bag to put or fabrics

    in while shopping.  I had to purchase one on my 1st trip to NY-best $20 I ever spent.

    have fun!!

    1. ctirish | | #2

      Wow, Thank you. There is so much information.  I can take a train but I have been afraid to go and spend money on fabric I may not use.  This list including places to lunch is great.  It says it was compiled in 2004 - do you know if it has been updated for moves and closings? 

      I have been going to Banksville Designer Fabrics and they have beautiful fabrics at great prices.

      I also have to use up some of my stash to have somewhere to put it.  Now, I can't wait to go...  jane

      1. Cherrypops | | #3

        As this link was just posted, I have only just seen it. I am pleased to read you found it very informative.

        I am continuing with my website links, posting in the discussions where necessary. I have received many positives from members who have accessed the links I provide. Each person will have their likes and dislikes. If members are not interested in the links they do not go looking into it.

        I do have an 'offline' life and that keeps me very busy. I post links when I can.

        Unfortunately I cannot disappear personally from Australia to re-appear in America at the click of my fingers. I really wish I could.



        Edited 3/5/2007 10:35 pm by Cherrypops

      2. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #5

        Hi jane,Hey do you remember when my family and I went on vacation in Nov-Dec. And we were chatting and such about NY. I told you I didn't have a chance to even step foot in a fabric store although I was walking through part of Fashion District and just about got sucked in a couple of times when I saw those gorgeous fabrics in the window...ok I didn't want to say anything yet because it may not happen..But my girlfriend whom we stayed with in NJ. Her and her husband are retiring out at McGuire AFB and they are returning home...She wants to bring back her car so they will only be in one vehicle when that time comes...She and I are doing that road trip cross country together. And I just had a wild hair just possibly to go to NY just one more time only to do all the Fabric stuff I wasn't able to do the other times I was there!! She was all for it and so excited she is also a sewer too!! I am hoping!! We will take the train out as well. So I am hoping this time I can do that I know it probably won't be for a very long while till I make that trip back to NY for that!!Anyway that link is great I totally agree with you I just sent it to her so who knows!! I better start saving my pennies now just in case I do get there!!Connie

        1. ctirish | | #10

          Hi Connie,

          I totally remember your attempt at getting to the stores with your last trip.  Keep repeating  to the tune from bob the builder  "can we shop there - yes we can"....over and over ....

          Your new trip  sounds like a great idea. Quick thinking on your part I must add... When you said you need to start saving your pennies it gave me a thought....  I have little cups of change around here from my purse.... I am thinking I will try to find all of them and start saving for a NYC shopping trip... 

          Did you see Oprah and Gayle last summer with their trip across country in a Chevrolet??  they did more than drive they had to stop and do photo ops everywhere. It was  pretty funny though, they complained about each other every chance they got.

          When do you think you will be coming across -- the mountains ---- I sound like you are taking a wagon train -do you know what I mean- like how many months to get to NYC. I can't imagine what is was like for the women who went cross country in wagon trains to California - talk about challenges... 

          keep me posted on your plans...


          1. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #11

            Too funny..wagon Train.That is why I was born in this Era..for the planes, trains and automobiles!! ha haYes I am flying from the West coast here over to the East coast April 23rd..We are planning on road tripping for a week however since we both got the wild hair to do NY Fashion district we probably won't be stopping too many places on our road trip as we will have to make up for out day in NY but that is totally ok by me!! I did see Oprah and Gayles road trip mine will probably be somewhat like that ...my girlfriend does not like anyone driving but her ha ha so I will be along for the ride!! And as far as music we both like the same things so I don't think that will be an issue... I know we will have our moments!! But I know I will probably get on her nerves as well..what are friends for!! ha haWhen are you going to do your NY Trip? anytime when we will be there. I am assuming we will go like on that Tuesday the 24th or maybe even Wed I don't know we are just in the planning stages of that day!! I have to fine tune how the kids are going to and from school and such for the week..That will be a feat in itself!! So as this develops I will let you know!! To bad I couldn't blog from day to day my weeks adventure at the end of the evening each night wouldn't that be a hoot!!I love this thread it has been extremely informational to me!! Connie

      3. rsew | | #6

        Garment district fabric site i sent you is really pretty accurate.

        The prices at some of the shops are in some cases higher than I would want to

        pay but then again some fabrics are designer roll ends.  I own a sewing/alterations

        business in the midwest so I love the ability to purchase great fabrics .

      4. zuwena | | #7

        2 comments on the shopping resource list, which is fabulous:

        1) Erica Wilson has closed the Madison Avenue Store.  I understand, however, that there is an internet site.

        2) Paron has combined the merchandise from the two stores into one at the address closest to Seventh Avenue. 


    2. Cherrypops | | #4

      Well done!

      Excellent Resource.

      I wish I could visit New York I would have so much fun.

      Thank you for sharing.

      CherryP (sydney australia)

    3. PamQuilter | | #9

      Thanks so much for pointing me toward Paula Nadelstern's list. It's fantastic! Looks like I'd better plan to spend more than one day there. I heard her speak at QBL last summer and now remember she made note of this list. I will send her a note thanking her. /Pam

  2. wlric | | #8

    I would suggest that you do an advanced search on this message board and look for the message numbers 5933.1 and 5867.1. These are recent discussions about this topic with some good feedback. My only other addition would be to mention that many of the stores are not at street level. You find the door with the correct street address, go into a lobby area, check the list posted near the elevators and then go to the floor that is listed. The elevators usually open directly into the store. Have fun.

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