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Pattern Making Books

enidshapiro | Posted in General Discussion on

I am beginning to learn pattern making.  I just took a course at F.I.T. that is very basic.  We learned to draft a pattern for a straight book.


I want to buy a book on pattern-making.  Have any of you used the book by Kopf?


  1. Merrie | | #1

    I see your posting is quite old - did you buy the book? How are you doing with the pattern designing?

    1. enidshapiro | | #2

      I'm on my SIXTH attempt to make a sloper.  Bought a book at F. I. T. on basic patternmaking.  I just cut out the sixth attempt, and I'm going to see if it goes together over the weekend.  Somehow or other, the front and back, when I tried to sew it together at the shoulder didn't fit.  There was about a two inch difference (longer) at the back shoulder.  This time it seems to be O. K. - for the life of me I don't know what I did different. 

      1. Merrie | | #3

        How did the new pattern turn out? I assume that, what you are drawing/making, is a basic block pattern? Or are you doing style manipulation based on the basic block?

        Sorry if it takes time between postings - I go online for web-work about every fortnight only; otherwise just a quick download of e-mails at night.

      2. raewyn | | #4

        Enid, I know this may seem like a bit obvious - but have you sewed a dart in the back shoulder?  This would account for the discrepancy.  Good luck with the sloper - I made one last year using the Joseph-Armstrong book and it is such a great tool.

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