Preshrinking fusible interfacing????
I just read a tidbit in the new Threads that said all interfacing should be preshrunk. Does this apply to the fusible kind as well? If so, how on earth do I preshrink it?? I’m pretty new, and haven’t used the fusible kind before and was just (I mean tomorrow!!) getting ready to construct a shirt with it!!
Yes, this means fusible. Soak it in med hot water for 30 min. hang to dry, don't iron it or put it in the clothes dryer. One more thing--be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly. I sew the plastic instruction sheet into a little bag about 8x10 in which I store fusibles and always have the instructions there. It never hurts to make a test sample--4x4 is big enough. God bless you. Galey
I am a newbie as well, and asked this same question at my fabric store. Some of the staff DO pre-shrink the fusible interfacing, and some do not. One woman had a definite viewpoint that you pre-shrink only the woven (non-fusible) interfacing, but not the fusible.
So, not that helps you much, but there seems to be a lot of schools of thought on this issue.
To be completely safe it is always wise to preshrink your interfacings, fusible or woven. The fiber content will be a factor in shrinkage more than whether it's a fusible or not.
Even after preshrinking, there can be more some residual shrinking when applied with heat and steam.
Mary Ann in NoVA
I used to preshrink my fusible interfacing, once upon a time. Then I worked in the fashion industry. Now I block fuse. After cutting out the non-interfaced garment pieces, I do a trial lay out of the pieces requiring interfacing and cut around them leaving a generous margin. I fuse my interfacing to this piece and cut from that. Block fusing not only takes care of any shrinkage issues, its a whole lot faster and easier than lining up pre-cut pieces of interfacing on fabric and fusing. It is also more accurate.
I only soak the fusible facing for a few seconds. I find no need to soak for any longer than that. I was told the facing adheres better if it has been soaked before you use it. I didn't think it had anything to do with shrinking. I have never had fusible facing shrink, and I have been using all weights for years.
I'm new here, and also just read that tip in the magazine, about preshrinking fusible interfacing! I think the last time I used it, I just tossed it in the machine and dryer with the cotton fabric I was preshrinking, that it was going to be used on! I figured, it would end up in the washer/dryer anyway, after I adhered it to the fabric! So I guess that's a no-no....and I will now soak and hang dry my fusible interfacing!
I also have a question about sew-in interfacing, which I haven't used in ages. What is the proper stitching technique for applying this? A basting stitch around the edges??
Thanks! Carol
I don't even soak the interfacing, I just dip it in cool water and toss over the shower rod to dry. As for the nonfusible interfacing, you want to sew it in well enough so it will hold in place till you get to sew the seam that will hold it in place permently. So A good strong baste stitch would be fine. It has been so long since I used this kind of interfacing, I almost forgot. LOL!!!!
My daughter made an outfit that she hoped to enter in a competition and the fuseable interfacing shrunk badly and ruined the collar, such a disappointment! Better safe than sorry!
That is a terrible thing to have happened. I didn't mean to imply that I didn't shrink the fusible facing, i was trying to say, that I don't soak it for any long period of time. I just dunk it ,making sure it is all wet, and then hang it too dry. I always felt that this method preshrunk it enough to be safe. To be truthful, i was told to do this not so much for the shrinking but for the iron-on factor.
Steaming it is the easiest way IMO. You can do it with a good steam iron or if you are lucky enough to have a garment steamer it would go much quicker. I don't soak mine in water and hang to dry, but as the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat!
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