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pressing for cashmere/mink fabric

BessieB | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I have a project that is of fabric that is cashmere/mink. I guess I don’t treat this as wool? Does anyone have handling information? Mainly pressing but any other guidelines it would be appreciated.


  1. KBTsewer | | #1

    Hello BessieB,
    Pressing your cashmere/mink fabric is the same as quality wool.Always test first on fabric scraps.Use lots of steam and a press cloth to avoid shine.A dry iron and a damp press cloth works just as well.Temperature needs to be around 350F ( medium/low setting)and steam.
    If you can get hold of Claire Shaeffer's Fabric Sewing Guide you'll find all you need to know about your fabric, preparing, interfacings, sewing etc.Hope this helps.

    1. BessieB | | #2

      I do have Claire Shaeffer's book but not enough input from there. As you stated was my direction and will definately test.

      1. BessieB | | #3

        Concerning the treatment of cashmere/mink fabric...... the dry cleaners would treat it as wool. So I will do some press testing of course, but the concensus seems to be, treat it as wool.

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #4

          cashmere and mink are both hair fibres, just as wool is. So they should be treated as such. The difference may be in the amount of heat they tolerate. Testing them first for heat and steam tolerance is a great idea. I would love to know how it works out. Please let us know how it ends up. Thanks. Cathy

          1. User avater
            Sewista | | #5

            I have found that cashmere has a very sensitive loft. You do not want to apply much pressure as you can have the "hairs" permanently crushed. In the area of a heavy press, you will see texture differences, pressing cloth or not. Also the hairs can scorch much more easily than wool coating. So use a press cloth and a light hand here. Use a dauber and a seam roll to press open your seams. You don't want to overpress this fabric. Bunny

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #6

            Thank you for the update on your pressing efforts with this fabric. I will add your experience to my fabric file notes. How is this project coming along otherwise? Cathy

          3. User avater
            Sewista | | #7

            My last project with cashmere was a jacket/coat I made last winter. You can see more about it here: http://lasewist.blogspot.com/2008/12/cashmere-coat-done.html If you click on "older Posts" at the bottom it gets into the various stages and challenges of the construction. Currently I am working on a child's ensemble - dress and cashmere jacket. I am doing the dress first so the jacket hasn't begun quite yet. I am really looking forward to working on this. I think I may underline it as well as line it. There will definitely be some further embellishment on the jacket to coordinate with the embellishment on the dress. This is still in the early stages. I will keep you posted. Bunny

          4. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #8

            Bunny, I loved your coat, but I haven't got to the making up stages yet. Kinda got lost in your blog...you have done some wonderful work!!!!! Thanks for posting your link. :) Cathy

          5. User avater
            Sewista | | #9

            You are welcome, Cathy! Come visit anytime. Bunny

This post is archived.

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