Question on meas. for a riding jacket
I am a new member and have a question…I have a friend ordering a jacket..they want measurements pt-pt…I’ve played at sewing for years but I don’t know what they are asking for. Anyone else out there able to tell me. I found this site while trying to get the answer from the Threads magazine web site. I have all my old issues but couldn’t find anything. Thanks for your help.
Usually someone ordering a custom riding jacket does so through a tack store, and they should have a measurement form to fill out. The measurement form will have a drawing of a human figure showing where they want the measurements taken. The two companies that I know of that still make custom riding jackets are (in the US) and (in the UK). Unfortunately neither website has the measurement form posted. (There's another bespoke riding apparel place in Toronto or Montreal, I can't remember the name though....) You may be able to email them and get them to send you the measurement form. Is your friend looking for a dressage or huntcoat? Short skirt or shadbelly? Are they measuring to order an off the rack size or custom tailoring? Are they planning to have someone who does not normally make riding coats make them a riding coat? (I do not recommend this! There are special tailoring considerations - such as the raised armhole necessary for freedom of arm movement over jumps, etc.) If you can give me those details, I can probably send you to better information.
Thank you for your response. She is ordering a custom jacket for a young teen. She is ordering from a web site. (i'm not sure which one) This was a measurement on the form she was asked to fill out. The only experience I have is a riding jacket for an eighteen inch doll. This hasn't helped (of course) with her question. I'll pass the web information to her and see if I can get the answers to your questions. Thanks for your response.
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