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Quilting Terms

michelle12521975 | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

Hi All!

I am with a company that is putting together a quilt barn path through our County.  I need to know some of the names of stitches that quilters use.  We are considering naming 3 paths after stitches or quilting terms (example: The Sampler Loop) Can anyone help me? Thank you so much in advance.




  1. sueb | | #1

    why don't you check out your local library for some quilting books.  I'm sure you can find several quilting books with quilt block names that you could use.  When you talk about stiches used I'm assuming you are referring to crazy quilting so you may want to look for a book about that.  Alternatively, a quick yahoo or google search will bring up a ton of quilting websites that may help you find what you're looking for.


    1. michelle12521975 | | #2

      I have Googled and did come up with some interesting terms.  I was trying to get a feel of what would be the most popular terms in the quilting community.  Thanks so much for your help.  It is greatly appreciated.


  2. suesew | | #3

    dependng on whether you want machine or hand stitching, the following come to mind: straight stitch, back stitch, applique stitch, blanket stitch, zigzag stitch, free motion....

  3. Alexandra | | #4

    What you might want to do is use names of blocks that all quilters know.  Like Shoo Fly, Drunkard's Path (that's a good one *G*), Sawtooth Star, Jacob's Ladder, Flying Geese, Irish Chain.  The stitch names for Crazy Quilts are embroidery terms, quilters really don't use a lot of different stitches.

  4. lovemycottons | | #5

    There are not many stitches a quilter uses. Mainly if you piece a quilt by machine you use the straight stitch, if it is an applique then you have a few options for example the satin stitch which is basically a zig zag stitch, buttonhole, or any other decorative stitch. If you are hand piecing, the running stitch is used. Applique by hand uses a tack stitch and you can also add the decorative embroidery stitches. A running stitch is used to quilt the 3 layers (top, batting, back) together.

    There are many blocks with many names. A lot of them are named after stars such as Ohio star, Lemoyne star, Bethlehem Star etc. Flowers are also popular for example Rose of Sharon and Carolina Lily. Some other block names are Log Cabin, Courthouse Steps, Flying Geese, Wedding Ring, Bears Paw, Card Trick, Maple Leaf, Pine tree, Storm at Sea, etc.  If you go to your local library, they will have quite a few quilting books you could browse through to find a quilt block name that will suite your purpose.

    Quilts can be categorized by its style. There are pieced quilts, applique quilts, samplers, baltimore style, crazy quilt, medallion, foundation quilts to name a few.

    One last tidbit. When you quilt a quilt (sewing the 3 layers together) there are some traditional motifs used. They are the feathers, cables, overall diagonals and clamshell.

    I hope this helps

  5. User avater
    paddyscar | | #6

    Hi Michelle:

    What is "a quilt barn path" and what is its purpose?

    Thanks in advance for enlightening me.


  6. foxfyreutk | | #7

    Hi, Michelle,

    I think what you are looking for are the "style" of stiching a quilter can do on a quilt. Some are outline stitch, sitch in the ditch (THAT would be fun for a rural route!!), echo stitch, blind stitch (another fun one to use for a route!), running stitch. Channel, diagonal, and crosshatch are more techniques that STYLES, but would still fit into the concept you are aiming at. Good luck w/your barn quilts. They have been a huge hit in Iowa and my sister has been sending me pics of those in the county where she lives.

    1. solosmocker | | #8

      I am not familiar with barn quilts other than to guess that they are pictures of barns, quilted? Could someone please explain? thank you,

      1. foxfyreutk | | #9

        Good guess, but they are actually the reverse! They are quilt blocks and, sometimes, quilts painted on barns. Sometimes they are painted on wood and then hung on the barn. A wonderful quilt show, don't you think??!


        1. solosmocker | | #10

          So quilts are painted on the sides of barns on the outside? If that is it, that must be amazing to see. Is this amateur work or art professional artists doing the painting? Do people pay to see these or do they pay for a map or something? This is very intriguing. There are so many abandoned barns around here.

          1. foxfyreutk | | #11

            I first read about it when my sister sent my an article from her hometown paper (Jefferson, IA). Recently, I read another article ... possilby the last issue of BHG Quilt  (not the one currently on the newsstands). It seems there are a variety of methods and that the idea has really caught on. I think some are just for fun and other raise money for various causes. Sometimes it's the farmer/family that do the painting, sometimes a 4-H club. I haven't tried it, but am sure if you search (Dogpile, Google, Yahoo) on barn quilts, you'd come up w/some info on it. From what I"ve seen, the painting is either a square or a "quilt" (maybe 4 squares) painted on the side of the barn or in the peak over the hayloft.

            My old boyfriend from highschool takes photos of old barns and makes greeting cards (they are quite nice!). I should write and ask him if he's doing the quilt routes!! Rural Iowa .. can never escape ... everyone always knows where you are, what you are doing, who you are doing it with!!

            Hope you track down the barn quilts, am sure someone on the fourm knows more than I do .. but the pics I've seen are really REALLY nice and I'd love to drive around the country side looking for them.

            Marlene at Telequah Trading Post, Tellico Plains, TN

          2. solosmocker | | #12

            Thanks so much.

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